Rear Paddock Stand

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by DaveTheSuperVillain, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. DaveTheSuperVillain

    DaveTheSuperVillain Active Member

    Jun 19, 2015
    Takeley, Essex
    Having finally got my hands on the bike, I need to get my hands on some form of rear paddock stand (the last one I had was a universal 2 rest one, so no use on the single swing arm).

    I'm not sure if I'm better off with an ABBA job:

    Or a Single Sided Swing Arm Paddock Stand, such as:

    The ABBA seems to be the better overall choice, but is obviously therefore more expensive (although being British made is a plus) - is it worth the extra money?

    Anyone with any experience of either/both or any other recommendations?
  2. roadrider

    roadrider First Class Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I've got both. The abba is good but a bit more time consuming to put on.
    The single sider is quicker but not as stable,though if you got a good quality one it might be better.
    A word of caution with the abba,make sure the locating pins are properly seated,I did it in a rush once and ended up with the bike on the floor. Once it on properly it's solid as a rock.
  3. DaveTheSuperVillain

    DaveTheSuperVillain Active Member

    Jun 19, 2015
    Takeley, Essex
    Thanks for the quick response...........

    The ABBA is around £150 and decent Paddock Stands around £80-90 having had a quick look about. Speed isn't really too much of an issue (and presumably would get faster with practice). I have to get the bike out of the garage etc before I can do anything anyway.

    I guess from the above you'd say the ABBA is worth the extra cost?
  4. roadrider

    roadrider First Class Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Overall the abba would be better value and a more stable platform to work with.
  5. Moe

    Moe Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    Hi Dave, nice colour on the bike!
    i see your not too far from me (Earls Colne).

    I've got the abba stand and is rock solid once up, the pin on the clutch side of the bike has to be jammed in. its just a little too big for the hole, but once in its in!

    if you want to try it out on your bike first PM me and pop over.

    another single sided stand I've seen is the ConStand with a dolly so you can move the back wheel around in dificult places, this is my next purchase as my anchor is difficult to get the bike to without taking the car out.
  6. DaveTheSuperVillain

    DaveTheSuperVillain Active Member

    Jun 19, 2015
    Takeley, Essex
    #6 DaveTheSuperVillain, Sep 9, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
  7. Moe

    Moe Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2015
  8. DaveTheSuperVillain

    DaveTheSuperVillain Active Member

    Jun 19, 2015
    Takeley, Essex
    Agreed. Out of stock showing on all of them at the moment from BS............will have to have a look around!
  9. mr.h

    mr.h Senior Member

    May 29, 2013
    Hi Dave, just to throw something else into the pot... I am using a normal rear paddock stand that I've used on my Blades & BMW for general maintenance and cleaning ect as I've got the R&G rear spindle slider in the rear wheel,R&G say its fine to use as a lift point but not to spin the rear wheel too fast or sit on the bike once its on its stand using their spindle slider. I did have a single sided stand but the bike looked slightly twisted up on it and that can't be good for the rear swingarm bearings IMO? Also I've got an ABBA stand and its brilliant - the pin on mine was v v tight on one side - an email to ABBA and they admitted they had some issue's with some pins and sent me a new one FOC - it fitted spot on without being too tight. I will post pics of my set up when I get a chance if you need them - cheers

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