Possibly The First 1200 Scrambler Write Off

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by PeteZ, Apr 10, 2019.

  1. PeteZ

    PeteZ Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
    Pilgrims Hatch
    Not exactly a desirable top spot but I may indeed be the first one.
    380 miles in and today, a woman with two kids in the back of a VW Polo pulled out of a country lane, first only a bit to have a look, spotted her so eased off to about 35mph, I see she stopped, good, she can see me, so I moved towards the center of the road to avoid the front of her car, than few meters in front of me, for whatever reason, she decided to go for it. Both brakes hard on but no chance, face on, me over the bike and on her bonnet.
    Forks seem and feel pushed in, tank dinked and scratched, clutch leaver gone (yes I have removed the guards), to be honest, did not have the heart to go over the bike in too much detail, to painful for the eyes.
    Good news is, just got back from A&E and after some scans, all seems ok.
    Insurance company currently treating this as no fault as I was on the main and she had both road markings and give way signs right in front of her, according to the description, it may be a total loss, possibly pending expert inspection.
    Below a little souvenir, where my front wheel met with the number plate.
    Hell indeed ..

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  2. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014
    Good your good:):):):):)
    Thats the main thing.
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  3. Hamburg

    Hamburg Senior Member

    Dec 12, 2018
    Oxford, UK
    Glad you’re OK Pete, you’re lucky could have been much worse
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  4. MrOrange

    MrOrange Guest

    Glad you survived relatively unscathed.

    Was it red? I have a theory on woman driving small red cars. They know there shit drivers, so unconsciously they warn us all by buying red cars !!!! :p

    Next time your out, just keep count of the number of crap drivers in red cars, then see how many are female !!!:p
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  5. Tucker 1963

    Tucker 1963 Elite Member

    Sep 7, 2017
    Glad your alright you can always get a new bike .
    But we are all one off's

    Oh No I feel a song coming on.

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  6. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    Glad you’re ok mate :)
    Pity about the bike :(
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  7. Tallpaul

    Tallpaul Noble Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    Glad you survived this mate. They are all out to get us! I took a day off yesterday, rode the Bonneville for 150 miles around Shropshire, meme sahib on the back. 3 times we had cars pull across the front of us, I made eye contact with all of them and they still went for it. Loonies.
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  8. Sprinter

    Sprinter Kinigit

    Aug 17, 2014

    Watch out for ' little red cars' right cheers.
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  9. Helmut Visor

    Helmut Visor Only dead fish go with the flow

    Oct 3, 2018
    Three Counties
    Not good mate.......on the plus side, another new bike :cool::cool:
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  10. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Glad you are OK.
    Perhaps your bike should have been fitted with this handy optional extra! :cool:
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  11. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Actually, we saw the first Scrambler write-off at the factory yesterday. Apparently one of the journalists "jumped off" when things got a bit hairy! It did not look well!
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  12. Adie P

    Adie P Crème de la Crème

    Jul 7, 2018
    Well, Pete, it's never nice to hear of someone being involved in a motorcycle collision - unless it's some thieving scrote being nerfed off by a cop car! Good to know that you haven't suffered any physical injuries and hope that the insurance company makes your 'protagonist' pay handsomely for her stupidity! Be safe and well.
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  13. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    sorry to hear about that Pete,gutted for you as i know it was your pride and joy,the main thing is you are ok,hopefully things will get sorted out quickly
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  14. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Just like all the other Bro's here glad to hear you can talk about it and seem relatively unhurt. That old 50/50 law is nonsense. I had that thrown at me a few years ago when a pathetic taxi driver did a u turn in front of me while I was filtering. I was not having any of it and got my insurance to fight it. As I was doing every thing right even down to indicating they were proved to have driven without due care and attention so I won the case. This is an insurance company trying to squirm out of admitting liability and your insurance being Pusey's.
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  15. Wishbone

    Wishbone First Class Member

    Nov 4, 2018
    Essex UK
    Glad you came out of it virtually unscathed.

    Always a shame when a rider/bike get knocked off, at least the survival instinct kicked in and you were semi-prepared for her stupid manoeuvre.

    Car drivers have as many dipsticks as any other road using group and they seem to target bikers!!

    Do insurance company's do "no blame" nowadays? All i hear from family/friends is that either way your premium goes up!
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  16. Johnjo

    Johnjo Senior Member

    May 29, 2017
    Glad to hear you're not too beaten up Pete. You'll be sore though for a few days/weeks.

    I've got a theory too like Mr O. Mine doesn't matter about car colour, just involves any young woman driving a car. Most of them are bloody dangerous whether they have kids in the car or not.
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  17. PeteZ

    PeteZ Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
    Pilgrims Hatch
    Hi All,
    thanks for all the supportive messages, actually not feeling too bad physically this morning, just upset about the bike more than anything.
    I have looked at the junction over and over and I was clearly on a main road, she pulled out a bit and than as I got closer she pulled out possibly thinking she will make it, as I was trying to avoid the front of her car to start with, I was closer to the center of the road, hence why I have actually hit the front of her car in an angle as I was still hoping during the braking that she would stop moving forward and I could fit between her and the ditch on RH.
    Typically, first thing she said was : "you saw me and you still carried on and hit me!" "You could have gone pass me behind me" ..
    Well, not with both brakes locked love, no I couldn't. Maybe if you give right of way to vehicles on the main road we would not be here, eh?
    I would like to hope this is clearly her fault but still expect some sort of fight from her insurance company.

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  18. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    In my eyes a clear cut case. The car came out on to your road and took up the space. The give way lines are clear and its clearly an intrusion on the road you were using. Insurance companies will try all the old tricks to get out of paying. But like I did I insisted to Carole Nash that the car did a u turn and I would not be paying a penny as they were clearly in the wrong and it had to go to court. In the end the accepted liability.
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  19. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Don't beat your self up about the Bike. Its a machine. They can be repaired or replaced. You are the important part. Yes she is clearly in the wrong unless they have changed the highway code to say you don't have to give way to motorcyclists.
    Get Well Soon
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  20. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    So sorry to here about your bad luck, you must be gutted. Thankfully you seem to be ok....
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  21. Repooh

    Repooh Rarely Satisfied

    Jan 5, 2018
    Stabby Town
    Thats borrox clearly the car drivers fault, I do believe they are give way lines in the road

    Insurance companies being lazy so they can screw you again next year

    Maybe the driver needs to be charged with careless driving, driving with undue care, I’d take out a civil case against the driver, but I’m a vengeful bstard. Glad its just metal and rubber thats all bent up
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