Hi all. Thinking of buying a tiger 955, is there a better year, are there any common faults or areas to look for when buying?? John
hiya , I've never owned one, but have looked at them as a potential future purchase , to use for touring abroad so as I can keep the America for more local rallies and stuff as I felt it was a bit underpowered for motorway hauls luggaged up . The Tiger 955 looks like a good second bike option , I've heard loads of good reports about them , the only thing I have noticed is the rather poor build quality . I've seen several where the tank paint has bubbled up & also some of the metalwork appears to corrode badly due to cheap quality metal . I get the impression from them that if you don't stay on top of the cleaning they can deteriorate rather quickly . Mechanically they appear to be pretty sound
Hi and welcome to the triumph forum ,sorry I know nothing about tigers my speed triple is my first triumph
I have mates who in the past have had 955i Tigers and I couldn't keep up with them ! Excellent bike for comfort and the ability to "makes progress".
I don't know to be honest , but I'm going to a bike night at South Leverton tomorrow night & there's a guy who normally shows up on a silver one that has bubbles so I'll find out , hopefully he won't walk up to find me stroking his tank with my face about 2 inches away from it or he may think I'm a bit weird