Hello All. I live in East Tennessee very close to "The Dragon". For anyone who hasn't heard of it it has 318 curves in 11 miles. Not sure who counted them. I've tried but the most I can get is around 200 and that's being real optimistic on what is a curve. Ha. But it is a fun road to ride through the mountains. No houses or driveways to worry about cars pulling out in front of you. I hope to be 73 the end of August and have been riding since the mid 50's. I started out on a Cushman step through scooter and always thought I would have a Bonneville one day. Finally was able to get several Triumphs in the mid to late 60's and always loved them. Then kinda got away from them but always loved the look and sound of a Bonneville or any of the Triumphs. Now I am kinda wanting to get rid of my Harley and go back to the Bonneville. I'm tired of wrestling an 800+lb motorcycle and need something my tired old legs can handle. Haven't decided wether I like the T100 or the T120. Thought they were basically the same bike but the 120 had more muscle. Reading a couple of the posts I guess they are quite different. Time to do a test ride and read more of the wisdom from the folks who own them. Looking forward to learning more about your rides and experiences. Thanks to all.
Welcome from sunny California. Not a Harley but traded in my larger Japanese cruiser (and also heavy) for the 900 Street Twin. Great bike, easy to ride and plenty of power. You might check out !! Whatever you get, enjoy!
Hi John and welcome. I recently acquired a T100 and love to bimble around on it. It's very light on fuel, comfortable for me and makes for a nice ride on day trips. That said I would not be able to live with it alone as the hunger for more power is always there, fortunately I'm spoiled for choice. Test drive both and see which one ticks the right boxes. Good luck on whatever you decide, starting the search now could lead to an early Birthday present !
Good morning and welcome in. I swapped my Hog in for a Scrambler for the same reason. You won't be sorry if you make the move! Remember to always be safe!
Welcome John. The T100 and T120 have the same frame. The T120 obviously more powerful engine with greater stopping power due to twin discs, but also heavier as a result.