Featured Leather Gear Maintenance

Discussion in 'Clothing & Gadgets' started by TheBeardedPunk, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. TheBeardedPunk

    TheBeardedPunk Senior Member

    Oct 7, 2021
    I like to do some gear maintenance this time of year. So today I put some leather grease on my boots and my jacket.


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  2. Octoberon

    Octoberon Crème de la Crème

    Jul 2, 2020
    Peak District, Yorkshire
    I haven't used it yet but we saw this is the recent bike show and my mate said he swears by it, so we bought some.

    renapur - 3.jpeg

    renapur - 2.jpeg

    renapur - 1.jpeg
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  3. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Looks good Octoberon, I generally use bees wax and I see this product has some included. Helps keep supple and waterproof :p
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  4. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    I use this, works a treat.
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  5. TheBeardedPunk

    TheBeardedPunk Senior Member

    Oct 7, 2021
    I currently use the gold quality stuff (the one in the picture). It’s also beeswax based, makes my leather smell a little like honey for the first few days :yum
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  6. Helmut Visor

    Helmut Visor Only dead fish go with the flow

    Oct 3, 2018
    Three Counties
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  7. Octoberon

    Octoberon Crème de la Crème

    Jul 2, 2020
    Peak District, Yorkshire
    #7 Octoberon, Dec 30, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2022
    It was actually my partner who bought it. She said I could try it on my new leathers but I was waiting for her to use it first so as not to appear too cheeky. But she's had her chance. :D
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  8. Tiglet

    Tiglet Vintage Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    Been using Renapur for 20+ years, excellent product for leather
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  9. Tigcraft

    Tigcraft Unheard of Member

    Mar 29, 2014
    Holmfirth West Yorkshire
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  10. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    These are my three favourite leather products (but I'll be ordering a tub of Renapur from Amazon :))...


    Liquid Leather (aka Gliptone) is a white cream that restores and protects. It's really easy to apply, provides some water repellency and smells just like new leather. There's a true water repellent version (GT13) but it leaves a slightly 'grabby' surface and doesn't blend into the leather as well. GT11 is fast to apply and is fantastic for jackets. There's also a GT13.5 used for fine leathers (i.e.Mrs Triple's handbags) and a spray cleaner (GT15) which makes short work of dried on flies (and also smells of new leather).

    The Daytona Leather Polish is actually a honey coloured (and honey smelling) smooth and translucent balm. Melts into leather, provides water repellency, and restores beautifully. A bit too sticky to rub into an entire jacket (although it kind of melts and liquifies as you spread it) but perfect for boots (as the label suggests).

    For my non-motorcycle needs, R.M.Williams Leather Conditioner is another white balm and is perfect for fine shoe leathers whether oiled or polished. This goes on all my leather footwear - spread it on with your fingers and you only need to buff off any excess.
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  11. DCS900

    DCS900 Careful, man! There’s a beverage here!

    Sep 11, 2021
    Cheers @TheBeardedPunk... my leather is supple and shiny again now! Any advice on how to get the drool off the ball-gag? o_O:p:laughing:

    I got fed up with the poor waterproofing of my walking and motorcycle boots, but found working in small amounts of Hoggs professional wax cotton dressing did a better job than whatever it was I was using. Takes a little while to fully soak into the leather, so your boots look a little tacky for a few days. But it’s been more effective than any of the spray on stuff. I notice that they now do a dubbin, which maybe more appropriate... but I had the wax dressing for my jacket anyway, so just used that...

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  12. Adie P

    Adie P Crème de la Crème

    Jul 7, 2018
    I'm a 'PLUS ONE' for Gliptone GT11. I've used Renapur (long time ago) and found it a bit "sticky" on finish. I've found the Gliptone range of products to be easy to use, very effective and they definitely keep old leather feeling soft and supple. They also provide some water repellency. And, of course, the GT11 is almost worth buying just to get that wonderful smell of fresh, new leather.

    My 2p.
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  13. Helmut Visor

    Helmut Visor Only dead fish go with the flow

    Oct 3, 2018
    Three Counties
    Agreed with the finish but the trick is to leave it for 24/48 hours after application to fully absorb, that is when it gets to properly feed the leather. You definitely can't apply and go.
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  14. Erling

    Erling Elite Member

    Dec 12, 2017
    I have been following this discussion with interest. My main jacket is the Triumph Raven 2 model, made of what they call 'vintage leather'. I don't want the vintage leather to end up shiny but it doesn't need to be totally waterproof. The perfect treatment would be something that kept the leather from cracking and maintained the original look. Any recommendations?
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  15. Adie P

    Adie P Crème de la Crème

    Jul 7, 2018
    Gliptone Liquid Leather (GT11). Won't change the appearance of the leather but will keep it supple and soften it up. Apply it without 'buffing' - i.e. rub it on and leave it to soak .... job done.
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  16. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Bees wax based conditioner. You rub it in and gently heat it to impregnate the leather. My distressed Raven 2 loves :heart_eyes: my efforts pre-winter and if needed pre-summer.
    Supply, Matt, and waterproof :cool:
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  17. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    That's exactly what I do...and @Erling, if you're concerned about the appearance, you'll find that GT11 initially adds a sheen (no doubt caused by the oils), but after a few hours, it will dry to a slightly matt finish. I've also used it on leather car seats and it removes the shine caused by wear and makes them look new again.

    I don't think you could go wrong :)
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  18. Erling

    Erling Elite Member

    Dec 12, 2017
    Thanks to all, exactly what I needed!
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  19. Armando Morales

    Armando Morales Noble Member

    Mar 29, 2021
    Took care of my boots and globes, I used a 3M leather conditioner I had since forever. the globes really needed it, here is a comparison photo IMG_20220103_145431990.jpg
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  20. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    if you are going to use any conditioner on your leather it's best to clean it with saddle soap first (although it actually conditions the leather too if you rub it in like a conditioner)
    I've also used Mink Oil in the past and that is great stuff although it will darken the leather. i usually just use saddle soap on mine a couple of times a year and it keeps all my leather in tip top condition
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