...you do. I've just received a matte black Thruxton -from house sale proceeds, 'completion' of the house was at 11.30 on Friday, the bike was dropped off at 2.30 . I've got a w800 too.
I agree with Halfton but I'm not joking!! Well ok kind of, welcome in and congrats on house sale and new baby
Howdy Wag and welcome in to the Triumph Asylum - lucky you with a new Thruxton. I've been on the same waiting experience - should be completing in the next 2 weeks if all goes well. Then it's down to the motorbike shop
How strange, you go right off some folk straight away, two bikes indeed! Apart from that, howdo to you too Wag, enjoy the ride and the playground antics of the forum
Thanks Y'all, I've been on the Sprint forum since 09 and have had 2, and a 1050 speedtrifle and an 08 Thruxton