How To Get Another Bike

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Hogster, May 11, 2017.

  1. Hogster

    Hogster Active Member

    May 12, 2016
    followiing on from another thread thought it would be good to hear other stories or tactics used to convince the other half that getting more than one bike is a good idea!

    I needed a winter hack so, my angle was to put the wife through her CBT as she has always wanted to learn to ride and then set about finding a suitable 125. As luck would have it there was a Yamaha 125 in the next town, it just so happens there was also a 25 year old Yamaha XJ600 for sale up the road too. So so one Saturday last October I took her along to look at the 125 and after a bit of a gaggle bought it for her. Whilst she was still reeling from my generousity I took the XJ out and struck a deal on that too. The Xj has seen me through the winter having covered 4k miles. The little 125 has covered 22 mile 18 of those when I ride it home for her! She has cleaned it once, freaked out when the clutch dragged a bit, I renewed the clutch plates. The accelerator stuck I can't ride it, found no issue but cleaned and lubed everything all is fine, we just need it to be warm enough, not to busy on the roads, not had a bad day at work the planets to be aligned and her Che to be centred and she may break the 30 mile mark!

    Failing that I am selling both the 125 and XJ and buying a Tiger
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  2. Tigcraft

    Tigcraft Unheard of Member

    Mar 29, 2014
    Holmfirth West Yorkshire
    Blimey! Lots going on there then!
  3. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    I've got 2 bikes already but if anyone knows how to convince my mrs that i need 3 bikes let me know...;)
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  4. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    When I suggested I get back into biking my wife, who rode pillion with me way back, thought it a great idea and said she'd enjoy going out for a ride again. When I turned up with Doris, seat cowl fitted, she asked where she was going to sit, i said "damn! Stupid me, give me time and I'll sort it!" A year later I bought a tiger. I always keep my promises :cool:
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  5. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    I've currently got two but have had three so I figure that there is "one in lieu".
    Have mentioned a project bike a few times and she does like old British bikes so I am hopeful - but there is no more room in the garage so it looks like I will have to move first! :eek::eek:
  6. Rich Bryce

    Rich Bryce Dead Eye Dick

    Sep 18, 2015
    I got divorced. Dunno, but maybe that might seem a bit extreme.
  7. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Getting divorced was essential for me - my ex would not have encouraged bike ownership!
  8. roadrider

    roadrider First Class Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I don't think my Mrs would mind me having a second bike, trouble is with mine and hers there's no room in the garage.
  9. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    I wasn't thinking of spending that much:eek:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. roadrider

    roadrider First Class Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Sounds like a plan.
    When you coming over to tell her :eek:;):)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. horned one

    horned one Member

    Jul 29, 2016
    How much for the XJ?. my Bonnie is in the hospital and that is my excuse for getting a second bike.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Hogster

    Hogster Active Member

    May 12, 2016
    I am keeping hold of it for now, she took her 125 out twice over the weekend covered the grand total of 1 mile, the junction out of our road is on a steepish incline, its bugger when your still getting to grips with clutch control. Still she looked happy going up & down the road!

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