Hello all. Chris here from Harrogate, North Yorkshire. I've currently got a street triple but I'm about to give in to a hankering for a Bonneville. I'm slightly tempted by the new T100 black but I think I'm going to see what the rumoured scrambler is going to look like. I notice the 'scrambler inspiration kit' has disappeared from the triumph web site so I guess the proper 900 scrambler's appearance is imminent.
Hello Chris and welcome to the Triumph Asylum - a bonneville of one sort or another will work well for you. Many happy memories of walking the dogs on the Stray.
Welcome Chris, Only just joined the forum myself last week but I can already testify there is plenty of good banter going on and loads of helpful tips/advice. My son lives in Harrogate, so I will look out for you if you let us know what bike you decide on. I spoke very briefly to a guy on a gold/mustardy street triple cutting through town one Sunday not that long ago. If it was you you may remember a little twat holding up the traffic telling you that he had a new Bonneville.
Hi Chris welcome to the jungle. A street triple for a bonnie you say sounds good but having both sounds better
I once won a goldfish at the fair on Harrogate Stray back in 198? when I was actually living there - yes they did let me in! I also had a part time job serving pints etc at the Squinting Cat out at Pannal Ash whilst the ex wife did similar at Platform One on Pannal railway station. Does either pub still exist? Just saying!
The squinting cat is still a pub although not anywhere near as good as it used to be. Now owned by some big chain with a wacky warehouse attached. Platform One became the Harewood and has recently turned into a Co-Op supermarket
Hi Chris and welcome in. When you have made a decision and have the new wheels or keep the old we must have pics... we like pics
Welcome pal. I too am from up t'north, but I'm from the 'right' side of the Pennines. (Dons tin hat...) Atb Bob
Yorkshire is on the right side of the Pennines - look at any map! The only reason the M62 was built was to give those on the 'dark side' a quick and easy route into the promised land that is Yorkshire!!
Any map you say??? Ok, forgive the child like attempt to win the argument How about I just say "the victorious" side of the Pennines???? Atb Burnley bob. The Lancashire hotpot.