Sprint GT Gt 1050 High Level Nav Mount

Discussion in 'Sprint & Trophy' started by Montyzoomer, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. Montyzoomer

    Montyzoomer New Member

    Jun 3, 2024
    East Yorkshire
    Hi - new to the group, I've owned several Triumphs with the latest being a GT 1050

    Bike gets delivered later this week and I'm interested to see what has been done to mount NAVs higher up above the clocks so more in your line of sight

    I've looked on the net and not found a great deal

    Thanks in advance
  2. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    Welcome to the forum. I have a 2016 Sprint GT which is great, apart form an intermittent starting problem. I think it is battery related. R.e. the sat nav mount, the most popular mount seems to be mounted on the steering boss - however, I never liked it as it was too low. There is almost nothing else out there, I assuem du to declining Sprint ownership. Anyway, I have a custom mount which I have made form RAM bits - it's bolted on the the nacelle thing under the screen and then I use a longish connector to bring the sat nav connector out to a reasonable distance. It looks a bit ugly, but works. However, it won't work with a standard screen as not enough room (I have a touring screen) and it is a bit tight with my Garmi Zumo - a smaller sat nav would work better. I added a USB port to the left hand fairing cover to provide power (there is a hella type connector, but it's too far). Some pictures attached.






  3. Montyzoomer

    Montyzoomer New Member

    Jun 3, 2024
    East Yorkshire
    That's great info - the bike arrived and it has the touring screen to I can implement your method

    Appreciate you responding

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