Fair policing or not?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard H, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. ColLamb

    ColLamb Active Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Preston, Lancashire
    Stupid, deserves all he got. The plonker even cut up the truck who had to brake. The idiot should have his bike entitlement removed and bike chrushed.
  2. Richard H

    Richard H Noble Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Swadlincote Derbyshire England
    The rider in my opinion made a bad decision cutting in front of the truck but was probably panicked by the police wanting him to pull over. Probably deserved 3 points and a fine but don't agree that it deserved the massive fine and 8 points. Car drivers sitting in the right hand lane should also be dealt with and I will admit that I have undertaken a car on the motorway who after following for ages on a clear motorway still refused to pull over.

    I would perhaps accept the fine as fair if I saw some of the low life idiots who are prosecuted theft and public order order offences receiving similar fines. I certainly wish we could see more prosecutions of folks using mobiles whilst driving, I see two or three daily and these people constitute a greater danger on the road than this guy on the bike.
  3. Speedy Stripler

    Oct 3, 2013
    West Midlands
    The challenge in situations like this is balance, we only get to see the footage the Police choose to release, we don't know how long he had been behind the car and we'd all be lying if we haven't all been tempted to do the same. The manoeuvre to undertake just gives all biker's a bad name and you can almost here the 'typical thoughtless, stupid biker' comments which, in this case, I agree with. You can imagine that the penalty handed out will have been exacerbated by the way he pulled in front of the truck causing the driver to brake.
    We would all like to see more Police and less cameras on the roads to stop all the lane hoggers, mobile phone users and soon to be smokers when children in the car but this is not going to happen meaning that we will face more of these type of drivers and suffer the similar temptations of this biker.

    It's tough out there, ride safe and more importantly arrive alive.
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  4. Kev

    Kev Member

    Aug 14, 2014
    trucks brake lights were on before he started to move..
  5. snarly

    snarly Active Member

    Sep 8, 2013
    To add context to the fine and points given to the guy, Cambs Police FB page also states:
    '...the motorcyclist...passed a marked police car which was travelling at 70mph.... on the A14...then undertook a slower vehicle, causing another vehicle to brake (the car in lane 2). He then accelerated to 95mph.

    So, having overtaken a marked police car at speed he then elevates his buffoonery to new heights by performing a series of sporty manoeuvres in front of the police car! Not withstanding he may have pleaded not guilty or not even turned up at court which may have influenced the courts decision...he got off lightly! they walk and ride amongst us! ride safe!
  6. chris newton

    chris newton Member

    Dec 20, 2014
    I'd like to know how the police knew that he accelerated up to 95 as they were not directly behind him during the manoeuvre. Unless of course that speed was captured in the sections blackened/edited out.

    The video actually shows the bikers highest speed as 83mph

    The police car may have had to accelerate to 95 to catch up after the delay in getting past the lane hogging car...??

    I only say that as I've been subjected to the same rubbish....Yes, I was pulled over for speeding. I was doing around 36/37 in a 30 and admitted it straight away (10pm on a quiet road that I knew like the back of my hand in good weather with good visibility...just before I get lynched lol)

    Only got a telling off, however the copper at the time claimed that I'd been doing 50!.... and that he "realised that bikes were very powerful" Clearly unfamiliar with the power output of a 1979 XS250 :rolleyes:

    As for the main issue of the undertake...not exactly safe or legal ....but the chances of the lane hogger changing lanes at that point seemed unlikely....

    He was just a bit stupid to not check behind him before he did it ..
  7. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    #8 thebiglad, Feb 12, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
    Based solely on the evidence in the video, the sentence was very harsh in my opinion.

    Yes he did undertake, but how many times a day do we see that? Did he endanger other road users by this manoeuvre? I doubt it very much. Was it dis-courteous ? Yes it was. But equally the third lane as we all know is for overtaking only - so who was the more discourteous car or biker?

    As for "'...the motorcyclist...passed a marked police car which was travelling at 70mph.... on the A14...then undertook a slower vehicle, causing another vehicle to brake (the car in lane 2). He then accelerated to 95mph." I reckon that is a load of bull as we have no evidence of the speed of the biker.

    The speed shown on the bottom right of the video is the speed of the police car, not the biker.

    But the single most important part of the video "evidence" is how many times it has been edited. If this was posted on Facebook purporting as evidence of a naughty biker - it wouldn't even pass the CPS never mind a court.

    Truth is that traffic policemen are under more and more pressure to produce and justify their existence and people riding bikes are VERY soft targets - who is a magistrate going to believe a PC or a biker? We need to protect ourselves.
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  8. Keith Inglis

    Keith Inglis Member

    Feb 17, 2015
    Kings Lynn
    I have lost count of the number of times I have seen cars mainly and even lorrys do that, I think the penalty was very unfair on the biker and I did notice him look behind before making the turn in front of the lorry and like someone else said he possibly made that move because of the police car behind him and may of signalled him to do that ?
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  9. Dodge74

    Dodge74 Active Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    I agree that just based on the video , the penalty seems excessive , particularly , when I travel most days up the A46 dual carraigeway in Lincoln & witness far far worse driving everyday by car & van drivers . However, the police & the justice system will justify the fine by saying that if he had been hit & knocked off he may well have died & that would have cost the taxpayer a six figure sum in emergency & investigation costs , plus the trauma caused to everyone involved & family etc etc . So its very hard to defend a biker who makes a rash impatient move like that as when it does go wrong it usually ends up as a fatality . Plus , all the wankers who sit there whinging that motorbikes are dangerous rah rah rah have just been given some more ammo

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