Hi I joined the forum for some advice a wee while ago and am now the proud owner of a 1979 T140E (DDD 833T). Still getting to grips with owning a piece of British motoring history, some time since my last ride so taking it real easy. Look forward to talking to like minded folk.
Very nice bike there, Gaffer. Crispey (of this parish) will love it 'cos it's blue - mostly (check out a recurring theme within these hallowed portals). I just like it!
Nice looking bit of kit you got yourself Gaffer, shame it's b-loo, (no offence meant I put that bit in just to p!$$ Crispy off)
Still putting my stamp on it, tastefully of course. Few tinkering problems but sure I'll be sorted soon, cheers
Lol, forever tinkering is more like it. Su n me have a pair of old Brit bikes as well and i spend many an hour tinkering