I’m starting a restoration on a Thunderbird Sport 900 I think it is a 1990 year. I’m told it was running approx 10 years ago. I’ve installed a new battery and tried starting it but everything apart from the indicators seem completely dead no life in lights, horn, control panel, just blank, I’ve owned a number of recent models triumphs but the lack of any form of life baffles me any ideas, I’m doing the resto on behalf of the son of the deceased owner, so really want to help out
Hi and welcome, I am afraid that I can offer absolutely nothing in the way of technical expertise. What a lovely restoration to do though.
Hi and welcome in. You will probably get more replies if you post in the technical help section or thunderbird section but tbh I think that is more for the twin cylinder thunderbirds. Lots of members here rarely look at new member posts. Triumphs were not made in 1990 , the birds started in 95 until approx 2004. Check all fuses , check battery connections are secure
I suggest you invest in a Haynes manual on the carburetted triples and a decent volt meter. I own two of this series. I would take a close look at the ignition switch as a place to start. Happy hunting ...J.D. Afterthought: Run the VIN# on that bike. I think you will find it a lot newer than 1990...
Hi Mike and welcome to the forum best wishes on your valiant effort to restore the bike for your mate’s son. Main fuse would be my start, followed by battery cables
Greetings and welcome to the forum, Mike! That looks like quite a project. I'm sure there are folks here who will be able to provide knowledge and advice. As @sprintdave suggested, posting in the help or thunderbird forums may prove fruitful. Hope you enjoy the forum. Good luck with the resto project!
Not related to your electrical issues. But a tip to get that engine looking like new. Armorall engine coating is vinyl based ! Two benefits 1: looking like new ! 2: easier to clean up on subsequent washes !! Wash using as little detergent as possible and when dry after the wash reapply the armourall
As to the electrical issues. I'd suggest wash everything down and blow dry , then go through every electrical connection , pull them apart spray or use dielectric grease reconnect and test ! Another area where there could be a hidden un seen problem , pull the switch blocks appart on the handle bars , open the switches carefully and clean all the contacts ! I had a 1994 Trident where the surfaces of the starting button were dirty ! Worked one day and then not after a ride in the rain and a washing as soon as I got home. Surfaces developed n invisible film No electrical contact !! Multi meter showed infinite resistance when button depressed, so no starter motor engagement !?