Bar Risers

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Hedgehog, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Hedgehog

    Hedgehog Active Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    Fitting this and transformed the ZZR - has anyone tried it or similar on any Triumph? Not needed on the Explorer as I'm very happy with that - very comfy. Bar conversion does the job but is pretty radical and can to spoil the looks - especially on a sports bike. The thing I liked about this kit was the quality of the components. Even the bars were really heavy grade stuff and felt good. Fitting was really easy. A good job to do at the same time as swapping lines for braided SS.

    ABM Motorcycle Handlebar Top Yoke Conversion - Big Bike Mad

    Kawasaki ZZR1400 / ZX14R Motorcycle Top Yoke Handlebar Conversion - YouTube

    What are your bar risers of choice? Or are they needed at all?:rolleyes:

    Be interested to know your thoughts.:cool:



  2. brybrem

    brybrem Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2013
    North Wales
    Swapped the original bars on my 2007 SIII for genuine Triumph higher and wider bars with higher risers - made it even more controllable!

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