Hi all, I've got a Tribsa - 1952 Triumph 5T engine, '55 B33 frame, with Norton roadholder front end. Also doing up a very rare Triumph TR5C - 1961, original FlatTracker from the US, now with me in the UK and Also a Daytona late 60's race bike. Both were race bikes engineered by a Texan called Woodrow Leone. Well known in the day as a top engineer and in the AMA hall of fame - as is a lot of the old race world in the US by the look of it. Interesting old bike and been doing a bit of research into US racing in the 50's and 60's...and 70's. Thats my passion at the mo. Picture of the race bikes are not great but will add one here.. dont know why first pic is upside down but cant delete it sorry - see singles hopefully ok..