Tiger 800 2023 Tiger Gt Pro

Discussion in 'Tiger / Explorer' started by jboyers, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. jboyers

    jboyers New Member

    Sep 11, 2023
    Hi Forum from Dublin, Ohio.

    I just picked up one of the last remaining 2023 available new in Columbus. I think I got a good deal. Love the bike. It's early but no vibe issues, the BT interface works well and the quick shifter works!

    I'm already thinking about the first oil change and have researched to find that there are two DIY tools to reset the wrench: DealerTool and Tune ECU. As of 9/11/23, DealerTool indicates their tool isn't ready for the 2023 model yet, but they're working on it. Tune ECU demands an Android, which I'm trying to round up.

    Are there any other options that I haven't found (other than the 1/2 hour at the dealership, $85)?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Hollie Tiedemann

    Hollie Tiedemann New Member

    Nov 16, 2023
    I just purchased a 2023 Tiger GT Pro as well. It was on sale! I planned to eat the $85 for the first dealer service because they are supposed to check the bike all over for stuff I might miss. However after that I plan to change my own oil, so I will need to know how to reset the wrench. Anyone have any suggestions besides DealerTool and Tune ECU?

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