Hi All, I have just brought a 1995 Trident 750 that has stood for about 3 yrs. Apart from needing a full service it also needs 2 new tyres, which is where I am struggling. I have manage to remove the front calipers (both seized solid) but I cant seem to remove the front wheel. Everything seems to be either thread locked or seized solid. Can anybody give me a blow by blow account of how and what order to undo everything. Hope this makes sense. Regards, Tony from Leicester.
Hi Tony, welcome to the forum mate. All you should need to do is undo the two pinch bolts on the front of each fork then undo the big Allen headed bolt while holding the axle on the other side. You should then be able to wiggle out the axle. Take care with the speedo drive on the right hand side when removing the wheel; the drive tangs can be damaged quite easily. Post up a picture of your bike too when you get a chance.
Douse everything you need to undo in penetrating fluid and leave overnight. Make sure any tools you use are a very good fit or you'll risk damaging bolt head or Allen sockets and that will lead to big problems. Heat is also your friend when it comes to stuck bolts but gently does it, no acetylene torches needed.
Its a shame the previous owner or whoever wasn't given that advice. I have the problem of trying to get out 2 very badly damaged front pad retaining pins (odd size allen key heads & wrong allen key used). Looks like I will have to drill the heads out and then knock the pins through. The joys of owning an old bike..
Nice looking bike! It's getting difficult to find original spares for the early Hinckley models so a couple of links for you to start :- http://www.triumphhinckleyparts.co.uk/ https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/nationaltriumph/Motorcycle-Accessories/_i.html?_sacat=25622 https://www.triumphparts.co.uk/ You can't get the original indicators any more (I notice one of yours has done what they all eventually do!) but there are some reasonable repro's around - Sprint have some, and I bought a few from this seller earlier in the year and they don't look TOO bad ..... not original - but a blind man on a galloping horse passing by wouldn't notice the difference :- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Indicato...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Best of luck getting it all sorted - it looks to be in pretty good condition so it IS worth preserving and restoring to original.
Tony Hayden. Welcome to the family. Nice old machine you have there. I am sure you will get it sorted. Regards Joe.
Nice old Trident ! Seems like most previous owners never heard of anti-seize paste Went she goes back together, put a dab on the threads and you won't have this problem next time you have it apart. Especially where you have a steel bolt threaded into an aluminum part. …J.D.
I have just finished replacing the indicators both front and back. I got them from e bay, the rears are the same as the fronts but they look ok.