Scrambler 1200xe Bash Plate

Discussion in 'Thruxton, Scrambler & Trident' started by Bug, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
    Hi fellow Triumpheads.
    Has anyone raised a 1200xe using a scissor jack on the bash plate?
    I have watched the TEC bike utube clip ( changing to lower rear springs) and it appears they leave the plate in situ.
    I contacted them asking the above question. The reply was yes but use the mounts for the center stand.
    Looking at the positioning of the mounts , they appear to recessed with the sump and oil filter close by.
    The last thing I want is a buckled or bent bash plate resulting in the jack putting pressure on the filter Ect.
    The bash plate seems sturdy enough...... just need a little reassurance.
    Thanks in advance for your time.

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