Scrambler Evotech Tail Tidy

Discussion in 'Thruxton, Scrambler & Trident' started by Chris89, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. Chris89

    Chris89 New Member

    Aug 18, 2019
    Has anyone fitted the evotech tail tidy to their scrambler 1200?

    Wondering how it looked in the flesh with the circular brake light before biting the bullet
  2. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    I almost bought one in June – Evotech forecast availability in July, but it didn't materialise until recently. I couldn't wait and bought the TEC tidy instead, together with a replacement modified under-tray as I wanted to keep the original intact (the end of the original part needs cutting off before refitting).

    Having seen the 3D images of Evetech's option, I'm pleased with my decision - I don't think the circular light looks right (especially with the large OEM indicators). That's personal preference though.

    The Evotech is expensive at £225. That said, I paid £160 for the TEC part (it's £79 without the under-tray) plus £82 for the high level indicator relocation that's £242. The smaller rear indicators are £105, but you need them on the front as well (another £105). All in all, it has cost £452 to make the tail extension disappear (less some discounts).

    I relocated the rear indicators because a) it looks better and b) it raises said indicators out of the exhaust firing line (I've seen pictures of melted ones).

    That didn't answer your question, but I hope it gives you something to compare with :)

    2020-07-11 13.34.49.jpg
    2020-09-12 17.19.08.jpg
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  3. Chris89

    Chris89 New Member

    Aug 18, 2019
    My indicators have already been relocated so that's one thing done.

    I want the smaller lights but as you say to replace them all at once is a little costly. The smaller lights might not look as odd with the evotech brake light either. They're something I'm going to save up for, want the tail tidied up first.

    Thanks for the response though, I shall investigate further
  4. MrTriple

    MrTriple One Cylinder Short

    Jan 23, 2017
    Epping Forest
    I think you're right about the smaller lights looking more balanced with the larger Evotech light...and definitely something you can do in stages.

    Although...if you've already relocated your indicators, won't you have to ditch that set-up if you go for the Evotech tidy? That's one of the reasons I didn't choose Evotech...because I'd already fitted the Triumph high level relocation kit.

    I do have an over-critical eye (I can't help it - once I see something I have trouble unseeing it) - and I don't like the exposed screws on Evotech's rear light lens. I think they look old-fashioned and out of place on a modern classic, and they don't match the standard lenses.

    OK...I'm being far too picky. I need to make a New Year's Resolution :laughing:

    Keep us posted on what you decide!

    Screenshot 2021-01-01 at 13.10.56.png
  5. Adam0402

    Adam0402 New Member

    Jan 12, 2022
    United Kingdom
    Designed my own tail tidy.

    Got a few made, if anyone is interested drop me a message or email [email protected]

    have 2 designs, with and without indicator fixings

    bike 1 - Copy.jpg

    bike 2 - Copy.jpg

    bike 3 - Copy.jpg
  6. Ole Fjæstad

    Ole Fjæstad New Member

    Oct 16, 2021
    #6 Ole Fjæstad, Jan 12, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
    Just installed the evotech tailtidy. Bought used so Tec tailtidy was already installed but it's pushed under gthe fender so don't do much keeping water off your back. The evotech is further back and they make good stuff. Agree that looks lsightly better with plate further in but compromise between looks and function and cetainly looks way better than OE. Not tested yet as winter/snow here so we'll see how much better regarding water spray, even kept the plastic holder for the plate and mounted the red reflector under to help further.

    Anyway, also the smaller tail light and smaller indicators were already installed so kept those and saved some money. Wasn't sure about the round anyway.

    It was essy to fit, quality stuff, only thing I think could be better was the wires, they're just fixed with tie wraps between fender and tail tidy so quite exposed. I gaffaed them to protect better.

    Here's some pics:





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  7. Cupoftea

    Cupoftea Noble Member

    Dec 16, 2018
    #7 Cupoftea, Jun 12, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
    I bought this, well worth the money
    Fitted to the bike now. Had some issues on where to put the loom as it fits outside not under the mount plate. Heated shrunk around the loom, not pretty.
    But overall effect is ok long as you don't look under the fender lol.


  8. TheScramblerLife

    TheScramblerLife New Member

    Feb 22, 2025
    Hi! I am buying the Evotech now for my 1200 XE. Did you need any aditional wiring looms or is everything included or could you just use the wiring as is (from the factory)?

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