The Speed Twin Is Really A Small, Relaxed Bike...

Discussion in 'Triumph Twin Power' started by Old Biker, Feb 26, 2024.

  1. Old Biker

    Old Biker Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2024
    I rode both my KTM Super Duke R and Speed Twin today. While the KTM is a monster in the power and torque department the Speed twin is a very relaxed bike. It is actually a small bike! Love 'em both!!

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  2. Jimbo1950

    Jimbo1950 Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2022
    I'm with you there Old Biker. I'm 73, and I find my 2019 Speed twin 1200 a beautiful bike to ride, whether just pootling round the lanes here in southern Scotland or giving it the beans on a good A road. I find it less frenetic than my Street Triple, which always seems to be whispering in my ear "go faster you old fart" whereas the Speed Twin is happy to just cruise. But then when you need to up the pace, the grunt is amazing, feels like it's trying to rip my arms off. For me, definitely a keeper (though so is the Striple) - they'll have to put me down in the ground along with the bike!
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  3. Old Biker

    Old Biker Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2024
    Good to hear people my age are still riding. At this stage my health suddenly became very problematic to say the least. I however try to ride at least 3 - 5 times per week. Back to age: It seems and feels if life is a short fleeting business. All went so quickly - first the struggle to raise kids, do years of hard responsible work... and then came retirement. Now I start to see the devastation of old age setting in. Not for sissies. Blessings!
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  4. Davepski

    Davepski New Member

    Feb 8, 2024
    Erie, CO
    You know, it’s funny. I just took my 2024 speed twin for the first real ride. Still in the break-in, So I really didn’t get the revs above 4, and only did about 75 miles, but I was really thinking a lot about the bike and it’s behavior and temperament. my other current bike is a bmw 1250 GS, with plenty of power and grunt, and obviously seems very large compared to my speed twin. However, I get this huge smile on my face whenever I ride that twin. It is true what they say, about this being a gentleman’s sport bike. All I could think was refined, and restrained. on a couple of occasions. When I got on it, it was eager and ready to deliver, but in a very classy way. I love the transmission, and I love the smoothness and ease of riding this triumph. The exhaust and engine leave just enough of a rumble to let you know it’s there, but it’s not overbearing. Just a very fun, very classy very smooth bike. For me, at 52, my days of ringing it out and going crazy are behind me, and I’m looking forward to this next evolution of my riding journey.

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  5. Old Biker

    Old Biker Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2024
    Do you notice the heat from the engine (we have warm summers!) and the wind blast on the Speed Twin, especially when riding against the wind (I'm now comparing it to the other naked bikes in the garage). If it was available I'd add cruise control as we have long open roads and it is nice to rest one's right hand now and then. I'd also add shift assist - my wife's Trident 660 has it and it is a real nice to have. However, it is a nice bike to ride and price wise it compares very favourable to the competition. I sold my 2016 R9T which I found very harsh compared to the Speed Twin. Best of all is the looks of the Speed Twin - a real modern classic. I ordered a small Dart screen to help with the wind blast. Regards!
  6. Davepski

    Davepski New Member

    Feb 8, 2024
    Erie, CO
    Hey Old Biker - the only heat I noticed was when I stopped and sat at a light for a minute or 2, but that dissipated as soon as I started moving. the temps were about 65deg Fahrenheit, though, so it wasn't too warm. I also love the looks and I got several compliments throughout my short ride. I also bought a Brogue fly screen for the bike but haven't put it on yet. Cheers!
  7. Martin k

    Martin k New Member

    I am new here I own a 2024 YAM MT09SP and a 2024 speed twin 1200 very different bikes and I really enjoy both. the St makes me ride more relaxed where the Yam is a lunatic bike.. tbh in a straight nine not much difference in performance, just slow speed the St is a bit snatch. I am sure I fine a cure soon. otherwise feel very fortunate
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  8. Old Biker

    Old Biker Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2024
    I did a remap on mine.... Also try ROAD mode as it smoothes out a lot of the snatch. I had a 2020 MT09 and loved it - just not good brakes and the suspension needed serious upgrades...
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  9. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    I have a new Scrambler 1200 and don't have any issues wih fuelling although I believe the Scramblers' do have different mapping to the rest of the classic bunch. "Sport" certainly does sharpen up response but it"s still smooth and linear.
    I also have a powerful sports tourer in one corner and an off roader in the other and the Scrambler sits nicely inbetween for general running around. it does seem to get much more use than the other two though. Maybe it's an age thing?:)
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  10. Old Biker

    Old Biker Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2024
    Wisdom comes with age they say.... so I must be brilliant at this stage! However, the ST 1200 is snatchy when in Sport mode.
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