The End Of The Snake Pass?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pegscraper, Feb 4, 2025.

  1. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
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  2. MightyBoosh

    MightyBoosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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  3. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    I remember going over Mam Tor many times as a kid in the 60's/70's on our way to see relatives in Leek. There were road works present practically every time due to the land slips. I went over it once in 1978 when I got my first car but it closed permanently not long after.
    I don't think the A57 at Snake Pass has as big a problem as Mam Tor. It's been repaired in sections which were successful but it was major rebuilding work and closed for some time. It's just down to cost now with the cash strapped councils simply not having the money to throw at it. As a route to Manchester, the only alternatives are the A628 Woodhead, quite a detour from Sheffield, or the A6 through Stockport, a congested nightmare.
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  4. Finch

    Finch Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    County Durham
    I fear the same thing will happen at Hartside soon. I just wish the idiots would stay home at weekends.
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  5. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Well even sooner we will have no roads we will all have to buy Scramblers. They say the money is for other roads. Which one as i don't see any getting repaired. We just keep paying or tax every year for no reason.
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  6. CraigHew

    CraigHew Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    Whitchurch, Shropshire
    Yes, ironically its called Road Fund Licence yet not much goes into the road network.
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  7. RevPaul

    RevPaul Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2020
    Cheshire, UK
    That road has just gone to the top of my must make time to ride list, hopefully it won't wash away before the weather gets warm enough for my feeble frame.
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  8. Mrs Visor

    Mrs Visor Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2021
    My thoughts were the same!!
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  9. MightyBoosh

    MightyBoosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
    Well, yes, and no. Great road but you need to be there at stupid o' clock to have even a fighting chance of a decent run through. Bit like Woodhead really. There are better roads for bikes in the Peak District, but l understand it has a bit of an iconìc status. :)
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  10. MightyBoosh

    MightyBoosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
    Not been called that for a very long time. But it seems to me we've gone past the point of no return in terms of road maintenance. Remember actual resurfacing work? Now we drive on roads that look like they've been under mortar attack. Apart from the money, l'm not sure there's the will to remedy it. We live in an increasingly anti vehicle culture, where urban clever dicks think that trams and trains can sort it all out....: unamused:
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  11. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020

    I've hit traffic at 5am on the Snake on the way to the NW200 in recent years. Remembering back to the 90's I had some great, erm...."fast" o_O traffic free runs over to Glossop on fine Summer evenings or weekend afternoons. Nowadays it's just a convoy most of the time.
    I agree, there are some cracking, unclassified and B roads in the Peak which are great fun on a "Classic" machine but not so much on a 200+bhp racetrack refugee.
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  12. MightyBoosh

    MightyBoosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
    IMG-20200807-WA0007.jpg .


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  13. Trickle333

    Trickle333 Member

    Sep 23, 2024
    We (Me dad and i) used th Mam Tor all threw my child hood to get across to th M1. Th whispering cliffs (Shingle moving making th noise) in th back ground, as it was for ever on th move. Then th ground dried out in summer of 76. A very wet Winter and into 77 filled all th cracks with water that made it slip, making it a one track road. It then closed in 79.

    Fotoes of said road. Cyclist getting knee down at its closed turn around... (Yes there is a bit of artistic license on this...;)


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  14. Finch

    Finch Member

    Jan 5, 2025
    County Durham
    First time I rode the Black Mountain Pass in the Brecon Beacons I got there at 6:30 in the morning. There were a few bikers milling about in Llandovery waiting for the cafe to open but otherwise the roads were deserted.
    I made about six runs from Llandadog to Brynamman and back again on my KTM 990 SMT before the hoards started to appear. By that time I'd got it nailed and my brakes were starting to overheat anyway so I left them to it.
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