Does Anyone Still Use Paper Maps?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Gary Morgan, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. stinger

    stinger Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2017
    Well to buck the trend and despite having to draw maps in an earlier life. Generally speaking i dont use anything. When out for a day ride with my best bud we dont usually even have a destination in mind. We meet up, have a convo about "did you have anywhere to go?" both of us say no, then we decide who is leading for the first bit. We'll do 2-3 hours, stop and swap the lead. We are both of the same opinion that it is virtually impossible to get so lost you cant get home in the UK. We once went on a ride from Bristol and 5 hours later we only really knew where we were when we saw signs for Oxford.
    That being said, for a multiday road trip with friends. We take turns to plan a trip, book the campsites and so on. Then it is their job to decide on the theme for the trip ("Welsh Castles" was a memorable one). Map book. My route app for daily routes. Share gpx files for each days ride. Then not use them and try to remember where to go! I can rely on Sean to have put the campsites into google maps and when the time is near he takes over for his speciality.
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