New Triumph Branded Oil

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Woodtickgreg, Nov 2, 2024.

  1. Woodtickgreg

    Woodtickgreg Senior Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    Eastpointe, Michigan
    I went to my local Triumph dealer that I purchased my Bonneville from to pick up a oil filter and some oil so I can do an oil change on the bike before I put it up for the winter. I forgot to ask for a new crush gasket but the parts guy new I was going to need it and taped one to the top of the filter box. I was prepared to purchase some Castrol oil as that's what it came with and what was used on the first oil change. But the parts man said they are now using Triumph brand oil in all of their service repairs. It comes in a plastic pouch and not a bottle. It has a nice no funnel needed spout. So the parts guy tells me it's rebranded Castrol oil. Good enough for my I thought. So today I changed the oil on the bike, I noticed the full synthetic Triumph oil was red in color as I filled the filter and the bike. I read the pouch carefully and noticed it is made by Fuchs. That's Silkolene brand oil, good stuff!
    Just an fyi.
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  2. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    That's the same stuff they used in my 600m service back in April. I guess the plastic pouch packaging is just a move to reducing plastic use/waste as well as being cheaper to produce. Wether or not the cost saving is past on to customers is another matter! I've just recently changed mine again myself at 5k miles and used some Shell Advance stuff. Personally I'm not that comfortable with 10k oil changes despite it being the recommended change interval.
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  3. Woodtickgreg

    Woodtickgreg Senior Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    Eastpointe, Michigan
    I unfortunately don't put enough miles on my bike in a year to go by mileage for oil changes. I just do it annually. I drained out clean oil but it's time to put it up for the winter here so I don't like it to sit with old oil in it. I like the new packaging and the improvement of the oil. It's the same in my pick up truck, once a year, i use mobil 1 synthetic in the truck. Truck is usually at about 3k miles. My stuff is well cared for
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  4. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    That has become my MO on the ZZR now it gets very little use. I changed to oil and filter two years ago and just changed the oil last year and again this year as it's only done just over 1k miles in that time. The road tax runs out at the end of December so it'll be laid up again for 6 months or so. Just over 38k miles in 12 years, most of which was done in the first 7 years.
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  5. RickM46

    RickM46 Active Member

    Oct 12, 2023
    Road tax????
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  6. Boothman

    Boothman Noble Member

    Jul 26, 2023
    Just another occasion when the government has your pants down
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  7. MightyBoosh

    MightyBoosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
    Vehicle Excise Duty. We have to pay in order to use or keep a vehicle on the King's Highway. :)
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  8. Woodtickgreg

    Woodtickgreg Senior Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    Eastpointe, Michigan
    We pay a large fuel tax in the states so it's basicly the same thing.
    It's for the roads.......yeah right!
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  9. Boothman

    Boothman Noble Member

    Jul 26, 2023
    Wwwweeeellllll we also pay a high fuel tax and goodness knows where the road tax (vehicle excise duty) goes as our roads are in a terrible mess.
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  10. nickjaxe

    nickjaxe Active Member

    Sep 2, 2020
    Cheshire UK
    I will buy my oil from other places if Triumph dont want to sell Castrol which I like....cheaper as well.
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  11. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    It is indeed made by Fuchs, the same is true for many motorcycle manufacturer's branded oil. I use Castrol fully synthetic oil and get this via my trade card at a local outlet, and use OEM oil filters. It doesn't really matter what brand oil you use as long as it is from a reputable manufacturer, and the correct specification. The same is true for brake fluid and engine coolant.
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  12. nickjaxe

    nickjaxe Active Member

    Sep 2, 2020
    Cheshire UK
    All I have to go on re Fuchs oil.....a professional race bike mechanic I know says Fuchs dont have a good name on the track.

    Thats good enough for me.
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  13. Kinjane

    Kinjane Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2017
    Bristol, Land of Enger
    How things change. There was a time when bikes would race with various oil sponsors visible on the outside of the bike but running Fuchs oil on the inside.
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  14. Woodtickgreg

    Woodtickgreg Senior Member

    Dec 23, 2022
    Eastpointe, Michigan
    I had always heard that Fuchs oil was a good premium oil.
    As often as I change oil it'll be fine.
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  15. MightyBoosh

    MightyBoosh Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
    l've used Fuchs/Silkolene in all my bikes for a very long time. lmproved the gearchange on all of them, got my ZZR1200 past 100k miles, VFR nearly 50k before l stacked it. l'd back it totally, whatever race mechanics might opine about it. :)
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  16. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    Oil specs are more important than brand names although, with fake and counterfeit goods being so widespread these days there's a certain reassurance to be had from sticking with well known brands with a proven "track" record.
    I'm currently using Millers 10/40 SS in the SUV, Smith & Allan 15/50 FS in the dirt bike and Shell Advance stuff in the ZZR and Triumph but I look around for the best deals at change time so it could be any one of several brands that goes in.
    I've only ever used a non OEM filter once, in the SUV, when the local dealer had no stock. Apart from the badging it looked identical but I assumed it either didn't have an anti drain back valve or it wasn't working as there was an anxious 5-6 second delay in oil pressure indication on a cold startup. With the OEM filter the pressure indication on the gauge is 1-2 seconds. I changed it sharpish!:joy:
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  17. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    Race bikes are completely different different to road machines, Moto GP uses Liqui Moly Oil in all classes, these machines are very high revving, take the Moto 2 bikes (Triumph 765rs based) these are high revving and reach speeds up 180 mph, they need a top quality oil to cope with the bhp and rpm, the Moto GP machines have around 300hp, weigh 157kg and rev to 19,000 rpm. My son's Ducati Panigale 1299s road bike (albeit with some race kit parts, puts out in excess of 200 bhp and we run that on Shell Advance 15W-50, fully synthetic oil, at times we use Silkolene Pro fully synthetic oil, a lot of BSB machines use this oil, as do some of the IOM TT riders, and these bikes take a real hammering over 6 laps. Triumph recommend Silkolene oils for their road machines, they do a lot of R&D into development and that is the one they recommend. At the end of the day we are all different and choice is an individual thing, as mentioned I use Castrol fully synthetic oil for my STRS, in previous services I have used Silkolene fully synthetic and never had any issues, including the odd track day.
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  18. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    Race machines invariably have their oil changed after every race and are not subject to long oil change intervals and multiple cold starts which put different demands on oil.
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  19. nickjaxe

    nickjaxe Active Member

    Sep 2, 2020
    Cheshire UK
    Your true.....very good point Sir.
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  20. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    My post re race machines was in response to Nickjax's post saying
    a professional race bike mechanic he knows says Fuchs don't have a good name on the track. hence me putting up some analogy to race bikes and the oil they use, and we are talking road machines, and any suitable grade semi or fully synthetic oil is fine for the 765rs, providing it is from a reputable manufacturer and motorcycle specific, running a machine with a dry clutch, for some people they use a quality car oil of the correct viscosity, although when I owned a Ducati 999 I only ever used a fully synthetic quality motorcycle specific oil. Ride safe all from an ageing Rocker.
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