Daytona 955i Starting Issues

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Jason brooks, Apr 13, 2024.

  1. Jason brooks

    Jason brooks New Member

    Apr 13, 2024
    Good evening ,was wandering if anyone could assist.Mt Daytona 955i on a 2005 plate has got some starting issues.
    some background info.
    Last year i had some electrical issues ,as the rectifier to the Stator connector failed and melted,and the main fuse also.I changed the wiring and hard wired together changed the inline fuse for a thicker gauge ,changed rectifier and stator.
    All was good ,now the trouble is starting the bike ,takes a while for the bike to turn over.The solenoid for the fuel can be heard but takes a long time for her to fire,almost to the point where the battery starts to die.
    I have changed the plugs and she fire up straight away.I left the bike for an hour and tried starting again but as before took a long time to fire up .Any pointers ?
  2. sprintdave

    sprintdave Nurse, think it's time for his medications.

    May 25, 2014
    Check your battery is up to scratch and all terminals are clean and tight. Don't let the starter struggle or you can do your Sprag clutch in.
    Battery must be A1 on these bikes, should read around 12.6 v static and not drop significantly below 12v when you press the starter. Can you try another battery or booster box on your battery, is it any better?
    Battery cca needs to be 210 cca or more, 170 cca batteries can work but tend to struggle
    There is an upgrade of the starter cables but you need to search for it. If not in here try triumphrat site.
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  3. Jason brooks

    Jason brooks New Member

    Apr 13, 2024
  4. Fartomany

    Fartomany Member

    Jun 29, 2024
    How'd you go, Jason ? Had similar problems few years back with '09 Speed Triple, took sprintdave, and helmut's,etc advice .. and yip, didn't get caught with no-go (twice) in pissing rain, again !
    Similar with 1200 Bonnie .. just a little slow turning over, (sometimes) and several buggerising about (sometimes) ???
    Two days back, in a hurry, didn't want to play (did the breathing calm down before breaking something) It had a new battery put in when I bought it, nice, hmmm.. have a look,who knows ? .... :rolleyes::rolleyes:, don'tcha love someone who obviously drops a screw, but finds a near-enough, though a little long ? ... Just grab a couple of washers .. with holes twice the size required .. and 100yrs old with rusty crap on them, she' ll do mate !!!!!!!!
    Got knife, scraped the crap away, shined them up much as poss ... screwed them back in .. (TIGHT) ... and yup .... vaaarrrooooomm !!! yup, threw mufflers away .. 17.6 k saved ! Point being, clean and tight a must .. as always, but most important these days with pissy push electronics

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