Can The Speed Do It All

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by Dustywheels, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. Dustywheels

    Dustywheels Well-Known Member

    Lately I've been contemplating downsizing my fleet. ie selling my 2018 street triple RS
    and my 2019 Tiger Sport 1050, and replacing with a 2018 - 2020 Speed Triple RS.. Love the 765 as a local twisty mountain roads bike and the Sport as a multi day / long lazy ride bike. But it just sits in the corner of the shed sulking most of the time.
    My longest multi- day ride is a annual 7 day trip to the MotoGP @ Phillip Is each year, travelling around 500 ks most days and the occasional weekender. So in the main the Speed would be used as my twisty roads carver for the rest of the year. I ride about 10000 a year.

    Compared to the 765 I find the Tiger top heavy.
    I'm hoping the Speed is as nimble and as easy to ride as the 765 Street.
    Then I need to consider luggage options and mounting my Zumo Xt

    Love hear some thoughts from Speed Owners, you own or have owned a street 765 or 1050 Tiger Sport especially if you're done multi day rides on your Speed and your not as young as you used to be, ie 60 +.

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  2. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    I'm 61, ride a 2020 Street on the track and a Tiger 900 on the road, but have had both the Tiger Sport and a 2018 Speed RS as well in the past.
    Obviously the Speed is a lot nimbler than the Tiger, but not as nimble or as light as the Street.
    Ridden both on the track, the Street is definitely the better track bike for me, the Speed didn't seem quite as at home on the track, slightly lazier gearshift, bit more weight etc.
    But I think the Speed is probably a better road bike, the extra torque (although not as much as you'd think) over the Street, and the extra weight makes it a bit more planted and it's slightly more comfortable for long trips.
    It's always a personal choice/preference, but the 1050 Speed RS is what I'd go for on the road out of your choices.
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  3. Dustywheels

    Dustywheels Well-Known Member

    thanks Gents, great feedback.
    @Dawsy 60 mpg is impressive, I get around 45 - 50 mpg from both the Tiger and 765.
  4. Linx

    Linx Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2020
    Stratford Upon Avon, UK
    I haven't done a multi-day ride on mine yet. Got one planned for this year but I would say the Speed can do it all. Great bike!
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  5. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016


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    TRIPLE X Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2021
    Downham Market, Norfolk
    I am now onto my fifth Speed Triple, currently riding a 1050 RS at the age of 74. Obviously I love Speed Triples but also had a 1050 Tiger in the past. I still find the Speed comfortable even though the seat is a bit hard for my aging bones.
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  7. Marco Wikstrom

    Marco Wikstrom Active Member

    Sep 28, 2023
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    I replaced a BMW R1200RT and Ducati SuperSport with a Speed Triple and haven't looked back.

    Over 60 myself I don't feel that the Speedy is uncomfortable on long rides, but it does force me to pack light - which is a good thing!

    I've found that the hobby/activity of riding bicycles has tremendously improved my comfort and endurance with the motorcycle, especially as I get older.

    I do have one other bike, a DRZ400s that's used for dual sport adventures and the really tight twisty paved roads in the mountains here. For the twisties I have a set of 17 inch SM wheels that get swapped in.

    I feel that these two bikes do it all for me.
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  8. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    As long as you're riding solo then the Speed3 is fine for touring (I'm nearly 70), but no chance IMO for pillions. No problems mounting a satnav either. Luggage, you can even go the full pannier route, I did (mistake) but wouldn't recommend, way too wide and only used them once, I'd go for a Kriega tail pack now. But as I usually tour with SWMBO pillioning I've defected to a second bike (S1000XR) for that.
    It's a shame Triumph haven't produced an upated version of the Tiger Sport.




    (Speedy has seen quite a few mods since those photos were taken and just gets used for local day rides now)
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  9. Dustywheels

    Dustywheels Well-Known Member

    Thanks Col C for you insight, definitely solo riding only.
    Any chance you have a pic showing how the SatNav is mounted ?
    I have a full set of the Kriega US Bags that I had forgotten about, so all good on that front.

    Yes have to agree, triumph dropped the ball in the touring market , if they had just fitted the 1050 RS powerplant in the Tiger Sport and beefed up the suspension, they'd be on a winner. Not everyone one wants and Adventure bike (been there, done that ). its just a comfortable bike to ride, with regular stops I can do 600+ day no problem.
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  10. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    I just use a Ram ball mount in the bar clamp, still on the bike, I'll wander down to the garage in a mo and take a snap.
  11. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    I just use a Ram ball mount in the bar clamp, still on the bike, I'll wander down to the garage in a mo and take a snap.
    So, the rider's eye view sees the satnav just below the instruments, not as ideal as a full on tourer with screen and mounted closer to normal road view but not much different to a glance at the speedo. I ride with intercom so voice prompts save taking your eye off the road too often.

    Close ups of the Ram mount, not too obtrusive when riding without the nav.

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  12. Dustywheels

    Dustywheels Well-Known Member

    thanks @Col_C for your trouble. Not the ideal placement, but options are limited by the looks on the Speed.
  13. Oldskool

    Oldskool Elite Member

    Jan 29, 2019
    Hi Dusty wheels.
    The Speed RS can do it all. I just love mine. Have used it for touring and scratching around. It handles superbly, steers beautifully and with the Kriega packs you can go anywhere..
    I tried the street triple but found I was sat too much on top of it, with a lot of wind blast. With the flip fairing at the front on the RS I still get some blast but it is bearable.
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  14. Dustywheels

    Dustywheels Well-Known Member

    Hi Oldskool, and thanks for your reply. not familiar with the flip fairing, got a link or a picture ?
  15. Oldskool

    Oldskool Elite Member

    Jan 29, 2019
    Here you go…

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  16. Baza

    Baza Elite Member

    Jul 25, 2020
    Amazing Grace
    Dusty you don’t say whether you are riding solo or 2 up. You will find that as you get older the weight of the machine and how easy you can paddle it around whilst sitting on it become more important. Whilst the Speedy is only 10 kg more than the Street every little bit helps. I’ve never ridden a Speedy but would not be surprised if the Street were the more agile of the two.

    Regarding luggage, back in 2012 I bought the Ventura system to fit my Ducati and have managed to repurpose it to fit my Street Triple (when I bought the machine they didn’t have a fitment kit available).


    Mounting your satnav should not be a problem using the Quadlock system. Below you will see my diy lash up.


    Once again, this year, I will be riding with two of my sons and our mates for six days in mid Wales, covering the best part of a thousand miles and I probably have at least ten years on you guys. So I would stick with your 765. As @Dawsy says, the Speedy is way too fast for UK roads, the same can be said for the Street Triple as last year I surprised myself when I hit the limiter at 135, in third. o_O
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  17. speeder

    speeder Noble Member

    Jan 3, 2019
    Just sold my 2016 speed triple, l mostly used it for long rides and to be honest l found it uncomfortable and the suspension way too hard.
    I've gone back to a big traillie again now which although slower is easy to ride for hours.
    I loved the speed and power of the speedy, but realistically how often do we ride them to the max? Personally not very often.
    Like you I'm getting on a bit and I'll leave speed triples to the "nippers" now!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  18. TRIPLE X

    TRIPLE X Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2021
    Downham Market, Norfolk
    Like this 74 years old nipper o_O. Agree the suspension is a tad firm but I can live with it cos I love my Speedie.
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  19. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    Just leave it to youngsters like me at 69....
    ....and 1/2. :)
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  20. Oldskool

    Oldskool Elite Member

    Jan 29, 2019
    Interestingly , when I changed tyres from the original Pirellis’s to Road 5 Michelin, the ride comfort improved considerably ..!
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