Featured Tiger 800 What I Did To To My Bike For The Next Riding Season

Discussion in 'Tiger / Explorer' started by Arctic Fox, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. Arctic Fox

    Arctic Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2022
    What I did to my Tiger 800xc (2013 ABS) while the winter season:

    Late autumn -23 I bought a used mat green tank (just as I love that color). That became a less expensive option than starting to re-pain the original tank.
    I also bought the same color new front peak (mudguard) as a new.

    White ugly stickers have been removed from the tank:

    I have bought the new pads for that tank. I have not yet installed those. I can do that coming summer time.

    As a normal service:
    - I changed the motor oil (Motul 10W-40 full synthetic), and new original Oil filter and washer.
    - I also installed new rear braked pads (as the old ones were pretty finished).

    Original black tank and black front peak have been removed and mat green ones installed to the bike.
    Bike as I bought it a year ago March 2023..

    Bike under my work (winter 2023 - 2024)

    Mudguard already done:

    Finally bike is again in one piece (last Sunday). Engine started well. I still added a bit of motor oil (after the start) as it looked like that filter took/used some of it.

    Spare parts for tank project:

    I did all that by myself (Youtube videos helped). The old oil filter was so tight that I needed to ask help from my dad. The fuel lever sensor was also a bit tricky to remove from the old tank and install to the green new one. Here my small hands might have even helped. Not bad?

    Now the bike is ready for the next riding season which is here from early May to mid September.

    Do not critizise the place. That is one of the warehouses of my parents's farm, not shining and crystal clean motorcycle garage of city people. But it is a dry place and warm enough (+12C inside at winter times), lots of space around and huge amount of all kinds of handtools.

    Who knows I might change the bike back to the original black one day, but not in the next coming years.

    What else I have done/add to the bike? Perhaps some other time.
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  2. Markus

    Markus Crème de la Crème

    Oct 28, 2020
    Your bike looks really cool with your mods!!!:)
  3. Arctic Fox

    Arctic Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2022
    Thanks, there are several smaller things I have done/add to that bike (which are not visual/can not be seen via those photos). And there are still a few which I'm planning do in the coming summer before the trip up north (Arctic sea area /end of the European continent).
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  4. Markus

    Markus Crème de la Crème

    Oct 28, 2020
    @Arctic Fox: What is the best time in the year to ride to your planned destination?
  5. Arctic Fox

    Arctic Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2022
    #5 Arctic Fox, Mar 12, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
    Basically around the Midsummer time (the 3. weeks of June). But it really does not matter much even if you would be there a month later (mid July). The Sun still will not go down (totally). Later at summer time (August) the risks of rainings/fogs will become higher.

    Pykeija (in Norway close to Russia and Murmansk) would also be an interesting place to visit.



    In the 19th century, Finnish immigrants created that small fishing village. Still today they speak both Norwegian and Finnish there. 76 years old woman runs there lodging services (having a small motel and some separate cottages) and typical Finnish Sauna ... close to the Acrtic Sea. They say that the water will be about +5C (in the middle of Summer season).
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1

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