My Lucky Day.... Mostly.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by DDamieNN, Jan 14, 2024.

  1. DDamieNN

    DDamieNN New Member

    Nov 17, 2023
    Hi all,

    After getting some great responses and advice on the 5 best mods for a TT600 today I set about changing the crappy plastic fuel tank connectors.

    I read so many threads about changing them and orderd my easy-outs in preparation as they always break off no matter what technique is used.

    Well, not today. The gods must have been shining on me as they came straight out.

    I changed the IVAC tubes whilst I had the tank off and found that 2 of them had splits in the rubber section too.

    BUT not quite all well that ends well though as for the life of me I cannot find the fault that's putting the codes on the ecu.

    Fuel pump relay default error

    Fuel pump wiring short to ground

    And low system voltage

    I have checked the loom from the ECU to the fuel pump connection and tested continuity and for short to ground but all tests seem fine. Theres no sign of chaffing on the loom either.

    I tighiend up all connector terminals on the fuel pump connection and as I had the tank plate out I cleaned and checked and tightend the wiring and connectors in the tank. I checked the connector at the ecu too.

    But now I'm at a loss and don't know what else to check?

    I think I'm at the point of changing the ecu or fuel pump, but hate trial and error fixes.

    Any help would be appreciated




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  2. Rob the Scott

    Rob the Scott Active Member

    Dec 14, 2022
    New Jersey
    Nice upgrade to the connectors! Is it possible that the metallic connectors have a magnetic or electrical voltage impact that the [insulated] plastic parts isolated? Seems unlikely, although the fuel line probably does not include a ground wire. Hmmm. Electrical gremlins are the worst!
  3. DDamieNN

    DDamieNN New Member

    Nov 17, 2023

    Its a good shout but the fault was there before I changed the connectors. I like the thing though!
  4. Kinjane

    Kinjane Active Member

    Oct 15, 2017
    Bristol, Land of Enger
    Have you tried substituting the fuel pump relay for a known good one and then given the engine 3 hot/cold cycles to see if the fault (if cured) clears?
  5. DDamieNN

    DDamieNN New Member

    Nov 17, 2023

    Unfortunately there is no relay its part of the ECU to the best of my knowledge.

    Thanks again.
  6. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    A number of the TT 600 did have a fuel pump issue, most went faulty after being laid up for long periods of time, The TT’s Sagem electronic fuel injection system was allied to the French firm’s MC1000 engine management software, s fuelling via four-point injectors and 38mm throttle bodies. Jerky low down throttle response was an issue from the start, Triumph were constantly tweaking the system throughout its four year run. Are you using the Dealer Tool to run up diagnostic checks and clearing fault codes, if not it may be worth considering.

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