Mag And Fema News

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bikerman, Feb 23, 2022.

  1. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
  2. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    • Like Like x 3
  3. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    I love how MAG does a weekly video recap, @Bikerman! :) What a great idea. But I have to admit that I had to work hard to understand the narrator. :eek:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    MAG do all this for you for 0.08 pence a day. A bargain I think you'll agree.

    So head over to the MAG website and join up.
    Do you care ??

    News from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)

    MAG promotes better workplace motorcycle parking on RTW Day

    The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is promoting better workplace motorcycle parking for this year’s Ride To Work Day. A survey has established that of those workplaces that provide on-site parking, only 54% provide motorcycle bays.

    MAG today releases the full findings of their survey on the Ride To Work Day website blog. The survey shows that half of all employers are neutral when it comes to employee transport choices. However, the analysis shows that there remain a minority of businesses that are perceived by their employees to actively discourage motorcycling as a commuting solution. In a climate of increasing environmental awareness, this seems entirely illogical. Motorcycles provide a clear solution for reducing congestion and emissions.

    MAG is responding proactively by using the Ride To Work Day campaign to launch an employers guide to motorcycle parking. With easy to understand tips and advice and a supporting video, MAG aims to increase the numbers of employers providing good quality motorcycle parking.

    Speaking about the new resources, MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, said:

    “Any motorcyclists looking at the resources will probably think the tips are a bit obvious. They are. But what we have to remember is that most employers and their estates managers will not be motorcyclists. So explaining what to riders seems blindingly obvious is a worthwhile exercise. Ride To Work Day is all about promoting motorcycling as a commuter choice to non-motorcyclists. Clearly if we want more people to Ride To Work, we need to persuade employers to provide fit-for-purpose motorcycle parking facilities. And we must not forget the need for helmet and PPE storage.”

    MAG is asking all riders to promote the resources to their employer. Even those that provide basic facilities may be able to upgrade and improve them. MAG is working on a case study which should be ready before next year’s Ride To Work Day. We hope to see many examples of improved facilities to show off next year.

    Find the Employer’s guide here:

    the Survey Results Blog post here:

    and the supporting video here:
    • Like Like x 3
  5. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    MAG do all this for you for 0.08 pence a day. A bargain I think you'll agree.

    So head over to the MAG website and join up.
    Do you care ??

    News from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)

    On 21 June MAG represented the interests of motorcyclists at the Motorcycle Sector Ministerial Roundtable. Despite the limited time available, MAG raised two key issues.

    Chaired by Minister of State (Decarbonisation and Technology), The Rt Hon Jesse Norman MP, at the Department for Transport (DfT) offices at 33 Horseferry Road, Colin Brown, Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, represented MAG. Other meeting attendees represented BMW, Ducati, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Maeving, Norton, Peugeot (Scooter Sense), Polaris / Indian Motorcycle, Suzuki, Triumph, Vmoto and Yamaha, and the MCIA.

    Colin Brown pressed for answers on why the Department has been so sceptical of the CEBR cost benefit analysis report co-commissioned by MAG. The report findings showed that the costs of the policy outweigh the claimed benefits by a significant margin.

    Pointing out that the Government has still not published its own cost benefit analysis, Colin was able to secure a commitment for the report authors to meet with DfT officials to hammer out their differences. MAG will ensure this meeting does take place and a full readout of the points discussed is provided to us.

    The Department has published a cost benefit analysis for the ZEV mandate for cars and vans. As Colin pointed out however, and as the official accepted, that analysis is incomplete.

    Colin also raised the recommendations of a recent DfT Science Advisory Council position paper on low carbon transport fuels. The 13 recommendations of this report, Colin highlighted, contradict the policy to end sales of all non-zero tailpipe emission vehicles. Colin asked if this new position paper would impact the proposed approach being advocated by the Department. The Minister was very reluctant to discuss synthetic fuels, but there was a suggestion that a further meeting could be held to discuss the topic.

    Speaking after the meeting, Colin said:

    “It is always frustrating in these environments as points of discussion can rarely be developed fully. This was certainly the case today with so many attendees. There was, unsurprisingly, little change from the major manufacturers, who all state that battery electric cannot be the only answer. Recent events in the EU that look set to create a window for synthetic fuels in internal combustion engines are a sensible compromise. The EU appears to be taking more notice of the calls for a genuine, rather than sham, technology neutrality.

    “I was a little disappointed however that the manufacturers seem less awake to the fact that the UK’s ZEV mandate for cars and vans has already cut the legs out from beneath any pathway to this technology in the UK. We need not just to secure the change for motorcycles, but to revoke the already fixed UK pathway for cars and vans. Without that win in the car and van sector the commercial viability of a supply network of liquid fuels evaporates. Motorcyclists alone, will not be a big enough market to sustain commercial viability.

    “Overall, we have made a couple of steps further in our efforts to reverse this policy. The Minister has suggested that the conclusion of the consultation will be further delayed into the Autumn. This means that our window of opportunity remains open. We are far from finished and we have many more angles to discuss. The fight is not over.”
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
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  7. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    MAG do all this for you for 0.08 pence a day. A bargain I think you'll agree.

    So head over to the MAG website and join up.
    Do you care ??

    News from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)

    MAG amplifies pothole campaign with new video.

    The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) today launches a new pothole campaign video. The Resurface Our Roads campaign is being pushed to a new level with MAG promoting a co-ordinated strategy both locally and nationally.

    The video can be shared with parliamentarians and councillors, but also contains calls to action that can easily be followed by riders.

    The campaign video starts with an explanation of the serious implications of our poorly maintained road network for riders. The aim, without scaremongering, is to bring the gravity of the risks faced by riders to the fore in the campaign. MAG personalises the sterile statistics with the stories of riders who have suffered injury as a result of poor road surfaces and goes on to provide riders with two lines of attack.
    Firstly, the campaign asks riders to sign a petition calling for increased funding, and then to write to their MP asking them to work with MAG to bring a formal parliamentary debate on funding to the table.
    The video includes comments from Asphalt Industry Alliance Chair Rick Green and well-known pothole campaigner Mark “Mr Pothole” Morrell. Combined with data from this year’s ALARM report the case is very clearly made for increased central government funding.
    The second line of attack that the video recommends is scrutiny of local authorities. Interviews with Ben Rawding, General Manager, Government & Municipalities at JCB, and James Harper from Stoke on Trent City Council cover some of the detail of best practice. It is clear that whilst pockets of best practice do exist, there is a need for far more investment in kit like JCB’s Pothole Pro. Stoke City Council managed to clear a seven-year backlog of pothole repairs in just 12 months with the machine.
    In the video, MAG examines the UK Roads Liaison Group guidelines for assessing road defects. But, as is discussed with Mr Pothole, the risk assessment inspectors often seem unable to fairly assess the risks to all road user groups.
    MAG is therefore encouraging riders to ask their local authorities two questions: firstly, are they investing in modern kit to carry out repairs? And secondly, are their assessors competent in terms of understanding the risks posed to riders by surface defects?

    MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, said:
    “We cover in the video how even MPs admit that potholes are considered a running joke, and how the press do not see the issue as much more than a lightweight story for election campaigns. For riders this issue can be one of life or death. We are demanding that it is treated with the gravity it deserves. Our aim is to raise this at both local and national level with a co-ordinated and consistent drum beat. Any rider can take part in the campaign by investing five minutes to sign a petition and write two letters. MAG will work with any and all MPs and Councillors genuinely interested in taking on the challenge of making our road network fit for purpose. I am sure that those who engage with us will be remembered when polling day comes, but the real work needs to be done outside of the political election circus. That means now.

    Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or [email protected]
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
  9. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    #89 learningtofly, Jul 1, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2023
    I'll likely join at some point, but at present there are no regional reps either for Greater London or Herts/Essex - the two regions that I'd choose from. For now, then, I'll see how that situation develops.
  10. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    It's not just pot holes, speed bumps are very dangerous too, especially as the white paint around them has all faded away. I'm talking about those little square ones. There should be large illuminated warning signs for each bump. They can be next to impossible to see at night.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
  12. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    MAG do all this for you for 0.08 pence a day. A bargain I think you'll agree.

    So head over to the MAG website and join up.
    Do you care ??

    Good news for MAG Resurface Our Roads campaign in Staffordshire.

    MAG’s Resurface Our Roads campaign is recognising a good news story in
    Staffordshire. The County Council has announced that it will soon be
    taking delivery of a JCB Pothole Pro machine. This announcement comes
    days before a scheduled meeting between MAG, Staffordshire Councillors
    and staff.

    On 7th July Staffordshire County Council announced that it will be
    taking delivery of a JCB Pothole Pro machine. This is the same kind of
    machine as that featured in MAG’s Resurface Our Roads campaign video.

    Staffordshire County Council Cabinet Member for Commercial, Mark
    Deaville, said:

    “The Pothole Pro will be a great addition to our arsenal of machinery
    and, alongside our £30 million investment in Staffordshire’s highways
    over the next two years, will really make a difference to our roads.”

    This timely announcement comes as Stafford & District MAG Rep, Eddie
    Foreman, confirms that he has secured a meeting with Staffordshire
    County Council on 26th July to discuss best practice and the risks posed
    to motorcyclists in the county by the poor state of its roads.

    Eddie Foreman said:

    “This is wonderful news. Having seen the Pothole Pro machine in action
    when I helped with the filming of the ROR campaign video, I know that
    this will vastly increase the potential for repairing our local roads.
    We are not complacent however and are still keen to impress upon the
    Council the need for their risk assessors to fully appreciate the
    dangers that riders face. I hope that the announcement will be well
    received by the biking community, and also that I will have further good
    news to share about the matters we raise in the forthcoming meeting.”

    Eddie Foreman will be supported in the meeting by MAG’s Director of
    Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown. Colin said:

    “Eddie has been campaigning on the pothole issue for years now, so it is
    great to see perseverance paying off. I hope that the forthcoming
    meeting will lead to even more good news, not just in Staffordshire but
    nationwide, as we continue to push the Resurface Our Roads Campaign. We
    have already begun the process of lobbying MPs asking them to support
    our calls for greater funding commitments. With a £14bn backlog, this
    problem needs more than just best practice, it needs a sizeable bag of

    MAG has set up a dedicated campaign web page with a simple five-step
    action plan to help riders get as active as Eddie Foreman in
    Staffordshire. We will update the page with any news and information
    from meetings like the one in Staffordshire. Please support the MAG
    Resurface Our Roads campaign: together we can make things happen.

    Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or [email protected]
    • Like Like x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona

    OMG! We REALLY need a Pothole Pro machine like that in Tucson. Hereabouts, a "pothole pro" means you've gotten exceptionally proficient at dodging all the potholes on our city and county streets! :eek::scream:
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
  15. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    MAG do all this for you for 0.08 pence a day. A bargain I think you'll agree.

    So head over to the MAG website and join up.
    Do you care ??

    Please see the below text taken from a request we received from Save
    London Motorcycling. All details can be found below. Please ACT NOW
    deadline before 4th August 2023.

    Hackney motorcycle parking charges FINAL CONSULTATION

    We need your help NOW

    Hackney Council have just released the final statutory consultation on
    their proposed motorcycle parking charges.

    We need you to respond to this consultation NOW

    This is your chance to fight anti motorcycle policies, and stand up for
    riders everywhere. The charges are an attempt to force riders out of
    Hackney. If we don’t fight this now it will spread all over London and
    the UK.

    HOW TO RESPOND: You respond by emailing your objection to
    [email protected] before Friday 4th August 2023

    This is not a normal consultation

    Hackney must address each response individually.

    So in your response please don’t just say you oppose, but give
    alternative options and reasons for them to consider. This will
    massively hold them up as by law they must consider and respond to each
    individual option.

    The more people respond, the more likely it is Hackney will be forced to
    drop their draconian plans. We want to send a message to councils that
    it’s not worth their time to attack bikers!

    Hackney’s stated aim for the policy is to tackle climate change and air
    quality, so think about other options which could achieve this aim.

    You can find examples of alternative options below; please think of this
    as only a guide and feel free to make your own suggestions in your own
    words. The more different options the council has to consider the better:
    No charges for motorcycles and scooters to encourage car drivers to downsize
    Increase charges for cars to target the real source of transport
    emissions and congestion in Hackney
    Follow the Westminster or Lewisham models with far lower charges for
    Account for factors such as space and congestion in any charges

    The consultation closes on Friday 4th August 2023. But the earlier you
    respond the better!

    Current details of the charges

    Following pressure from you Hackney have backed down on some parts of
    their plans. They have dropped the total ban on all day commuter
    parking, and reduced the charges from their initial £60 per day. But
    this is not enough. The proposed charges are still absolutely outrageous:
    £10 for all day commuter parking in solo motorcycle bays. Currently
    these are only found around Old Street so commuter parking is still
    banned in the rest of the borough
    Charging motorcycles and scooters the same as cars for residents and
    business parking permits
    Residents permits up to £596 a year and business permits up to £1560,
    rising to £843 and £1800 by 2027
    Residents of ‘car-free’ developments will now be banned from parking a

    You can find full details of the proposed charges here

    This is the final stage and your last chance to make your voice heard.
    Please share with your riding mates, your mum, your sister, your grandad
    and anyone who cares about bikers!

    With your help we have achieved so much. We got Camden to shelve their
    plans, which would have banned motorcycle commuting. Hackney’s proposed
    charges have been delayed by over two years, with some concessions
    already made. Further delay could mean it’s shelved for good.

    If you do one thing for riders in London, let this be it.

    Please contact Save London Motorcycling email address:
    [email protected] if you have any questions – this is a
    vital consultation and we’ll do our best to respond to everyone as
    quickly as possible.

    Save London Motorcycling
    To unsubscribe please email [email protected] with Subject Title
    - Unsubscribe and advise all email addresses that require removing.
    Central Office
    The Motorcycle Action Group Limited
    Tel: 01926 844064
    Fax: 01926 844065
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    MAG do all this for you for 0.08 pence a day. A bargain I think you'll agree.

    So head over to the MAG website and join up.
    Do you care ??

    News from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)

    MAG continues successful Fight Motorcycle Crime meetings in Manchester.

    The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is continuing its successful series of
    Fight Motorcycle Theft meetings. Having confirmed attendance by Kate
    Green, Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester, MAG announces the next in the
    series of meetings will be held on Thursday 21st September.

    The Greater Manchester Police (GMP) area consistently sees one of the
    worst performances for motorcycle theft in the UK. In 2022 Police
    National Computer (PNC) data showed 1180 motorcycle thefts. This is
    known to be below the actual reported motorcycle theft figures, and
    demonstrates a 10% increase compared to the previous year. The GMP area
    recorded the fourth highest number of motorcycle thefts of all police
    force areas.

    The Fight Motorcycle Theft meeting will follow the same format as
    previous meetings covering Kent, West Midlands and Hertfordshire police.
    The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, along with a senior officer
    from GMP, will speak at the meeting alongside MAG’s Director of
    Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown. The bulk of the meeting
    will be devoted to a question and answers session allowing riders to ask
    questions and raise concerns directly with GMP and the Deputy Mayor.

    Colin Brown said:

    “I am happy that Kate Green has agreed to attend the meeting and allow
    this direct engagement event to take place. It is important that riders
    are given the opportunity to air their grievances in a polite and
    respectful manner, and past experience shows that these meetings can
    lead to tangible outcomes. We are under no illusions that the problem
    can be solved in one meeting, but hopefully we can help to raise the
    profile and focus on tackling the shocking and disproportionate impact
    of vehicle theft suffered by the riding community in the GMP area.”

    The meeting takes place on Thursday 21st September. Proceedings start
    at 6pm at the Firbank Pub and Kitchen, Firbank Road, Newall Green,
    Manchester, M23 2YP
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    • Like Like x 1
  18. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. SpeedTwin1200

    SpeedTwin1200 Senior Member

    Jul 21, 2019
    Quite an interesting channel this. Especially his air quality videos.
    Podcast with Ace Cafe and MAG (Motorcycle Action Group)

  20. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    Thank goodness I live in the frozen North and nowhere near London and how Khan gets elected i've no idea.
    • Agree Agree x 2

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