Tiger 800 Tiger 900 Gt Shift Assist / Quickshifter

Discussion in 'Tiger / Explorer' started by GJones, Sep 12, 2022.

  1. GJones

    GJones New Member

    Sep 4, 2022
    north Georgia
    #1 GJones, Sep 12, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2023
    I just bought a 2023 Tiger 900 GT (not Pro, low ride height, without QS). I purchased the Shift Assist parts and had dealer install it at the 600 mile service. When I drove it the QS worked fine on downshifts, and upshifts at light to moderate throttle. However, at heavier throttle at any rpm the ignition cutoff was a full 1/4 second (~250 milliseconds), enough to rock my head forward and squat the front shocks, before the engine caught again. I'm not subconsciously reducing throttle, but holding steady / heavy throttle. The Bazzaz aftermarket QS has software that allows users to adjust the ignition cutoff time in milliseconds between each pair of gears. Dealer claims to have not heard of this problem but wants me to bring it in to re-install software, but its a 3+ hour drive to the dealer through Atlanta traffic. I've posted this on ADVRider, but with no good answers yet.
    Is anyone else having this problem? I've read on this forum that more miles to break in transmission will help. Also re-aligning the shift arm might help. Does anyone know if the Triumph dealer computer allows modification of ignition cutoff times? Any other ideas?

    UPDATE: My local dealer (not Triumph authorized) has lots of experience with many bikes. He told me to re-do the QS install procedure, which the steps seemed too simple to be true, but it worked! Now, most of the time, it works very well, up and down. Occasionally I'll get a clunky shift, but almost always it's silky smooth at any throttle application or RPM level. I typically only use the clutch at stop signs, but I use the clutch sometimes just to keep that skill sharp. But if you adjust the height of the the shift lever (like for new boots), you should do the install procedure again. None of this makes sense to the engineer in me, but if it works I will quit obsessing over it and enjoy the ride.
  2. OttoMatic

    OttoMatic New Member

    Feb 23, 2021
    My Rally Pro shifts best, for me, 1) Rain Mode 2) Sport Mode 3) Road Mode is clunky. So I just keep it in Rain. This probably is of no help to you but just my thoughts.
  3. Dgman2

    Dgman2 New Member

    Nov 20, 2022
    Hammond, La. USA
    I have a 2022 GT pro and mine shifts up with a surge. I can control that by perfectly timed manual nudge of my throttle, but that defeats the purpose of having a “quick shifter”
    It’s roughy enough to cause helmets bumping if I have a passenger. I addressed that with my dealership at my first service, and I was told that that’s normal and they all shift like that, including the mechanic’s BMW. Well, I did not have that experience with the one BMW with shift assist that I rode for an elaborate test ride. Also, my son bought a 2021 tiger GT pro a few days before I bought my 2022 and his does not do that. His is smooth. I was told by the dealership mechanic that this is not adjustable. I have my doubts about that.
  4. OttoMatic

    OttoMatic New Member

    Feb 23, 2021
    The few times that my bike was in for routine maintenance & this last time warranty work LED fog lamp out) the Triumph mechanics have been completely sloppy, unprofessional, careless (pick your favorite adjective). Who would install an LED fog light upside down and cocked to one side? Idiots.
  5. Dgman2

    Dgman2 New Member

    Nov 20, 2022
    Hammond, La. USA
    I guess sloppy mechanics would!
    Unfortunately, this is getting to be more common with any kind of service these days; and, of course, this happens at the highest prices I’ve ever paid for service.
  6. harrisonjord

    harrisonjord New Member

    Oct 11, 2023
    Gjones, is the QS Install procedure something you can do on your own? If so, what are the steps?

    I'd like to buy the part and install myself, but thought I had to take to the dealer to program it. Would be great if I can avoid taking it to the shop.
  7. Apox

    Apox New Member

    Jan 2, 2024
    So what could this QS installation procedure be?

    Is there any information whether the QS sensor has been updated with a new model after 2020?
    Original seemed to be at least of extremely poor quality. It seemed that the rainy weather was poison for it.

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