Caught Out By Datatool Alarm!

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Hedgehog70, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. Hedgehog70

    Hedgehog70 New Member

    Nov 11, 2017
    I only got my Street Twin last November and it's been laid up for the winter

    I fancied a ride yesterday, but it would not start. After splashing out £57 for a new battery I hit the Internet and discover that my alarm is affected by the recall. It's sat in the garage totally immobilised.

    I live in Yorkshire and the bike came from a dealer down South. Given its a Datatool issue I expect getting it sorted won't be straight forward. I'm even considering contacting the finance company as I've been sold a bike that's not fit for purpose.

    Why dealer didn't check serial number before sale is beyond me.

    Thoughts on best way to proceed? I certainly don't want alarm replacing, just taking off!!
  2. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    #2 thebiglad, Apr 15, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
    Hi there HH, I don't know for sure if your bike has the same set-up as my 2010 T100 (regarding Datatool) but with mine all you needed to do was unplug the alarm, then bridge 2 slots on the bike's plug you've just undone. After that no more alarming shit.
  3. Hedgehog70

    Hedgehog70 New Member

    Nov 11, 2017
    Well I have ordered a blanking plug anyway, and before I knew that it was subject to a recall. Beyond frustrating. I have looked at wiring from alarm and I’m going to leave well alone!!
  4. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    I am looking at getting the Datatool S4 installed on my new 2010 Speed Triple
    Have they improved in reliability?

    Also, I thought I had seen them last month on the Worldoftriumph website in the sale for £80-90 odd quid, was I imagining it as they are back to full price of £240
  5. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    I have an alarmed disc lock and a tracker of sorts already

    Would prefer an alarm and immobilizer as well
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Night1971

    Night1971 Member

    May 9, 2019
    Clearly an item i should take of my list for my new purchase then?

    What trackers you guys been experiencing?


  7. stevehotshot

    stevehotshot Member

    Oct 15, 2020
    Hi "thebiglad", I wonder if you can help me also... I bought a TBS off an elderly chap, Denis Fitch, about 18 months ago, it had an data evo alarm fitted, that was a nuisance... He said if HEwas keeping the bike he'd remove it... Adding.. "if you just take it all off that will be fine, except when you put it in gear it will cut out, you have to get a bridging plug and fit that, but NOT where you remove the alarm from"... I bought a plug from Triumph, Woods Abergele, parts guy said no.. It fits where alarm is disconnected from... I fitted this plug and bike does exactly what Denis said... Obviously the plug won't fit anywhere else so I'm wondering if there's another place to bridge.. My gorgeous bike is at the moment.. Useless.. Please can you assist... Thanks
  8. Bikerman

    Bikerman Life's not a dress rehearsal.

    Oct 29, 2014
    Sadly the big lads not been on here since September last year
  9. sprintdave

    sprintdave Nurse, think it's time for his medications.

    May 25, 2014
    Can't you just disable the alarm? There is a datatool forum which tells how to do it, also maybe you can search in there or ask.
    Could you ask the old fella you bought it off where to connect the bridge?
  10. stevehotshot

    stevehotshot Member

    Oct 15, 2020
    I think he may have passed away.. I used to email him occasionally but had no reply since before last Christmas.. (Tho he did say he'd try to find out for me, which suggests he didn't know or had forgotten )I'll try the Datatool forum route... Thanks
  11. Nasher

    Nasher Member

    May 24, 2018
    West Yorkshire
    I have a datatool S4 alarm on my speedy I know the plus points cheaper insurance etc
    But personally I think there a pain in the arse and more trouble than there worth
    I’ve had my bike 4 years left it in my daughters garage for a while
    She mowed her lawn never put my bike back on trickle charge
    Consequently she’s fucked my battery.
    If I decommission my alarm put trickle charger back on do you think my battery could recover or do you peeps think it is knackered
    Cheers Nasher
  12. Nasher

    Nasher Member

    May 24, 2018
    West Yorkshire
    I have a datatool S4 alarm on my speedy I know the plus points cheaper insurance etc
    But personally I think there a pain in the arse and more trouble than there worth
    I’ve had my bike 4 years left it in my daughters garage for a while
    She mowed her lawn never put my bike back on trickle charge
    Consequently she’s fucked my battery.
    If I decommission my alarm put trickle charger back on do you think my battery could recover or do you peeps think it is knackered
    Cheers Nasher
  13. stevehotshot

    stevehotshot Member

    Oct 15, 2020
    Hi, it must be worth a try, but I expect it's is a relief to rid bike of alarm tho..
  14. stevehotshot

    stevehotshot Member

    Oct 15, 2020
    update, (belated) yes sorted alarm removal, old chap was right, despite Triumph parts having "not heard that one mate" there IS another block to bridge two wires and no connector needed where alarm used to connect.... Phoned Datatool a d guy said he'd get a colleague to call me back, "he's good with Triumphs"... Still waiting.
  15. capt

    capt Elite Member

    May 8, 2016
    western Australia
    Depends on the charger.
    If it starts putting out voltage as soon as it's connected to the battery when it's plugged in and switched on ... Then quite possibly ... But you won't know until it's been "ON" charge for up to two or three days.
    If charger doesn't come on when hooked up , put a small low wattage build across battery .. if it responds by lightning up , leave it on charge for a good /12 hrs , disconnect the globe ... If battery charger continues to charge. It's a good bet your battery may recover...
  16. Nasher

    Nasher Member

    May 24, 2018
    West Yorkshire

    Cheers capt,

    if I leave it on me trickle charger overnight I can normally just wheel it out of garage get changed, and if I blip my alarm the bike will start,
    It’s if I turn alarm on and off or leave the ignition on for a few minutes, then try start her she turns over and dies, but if I then leave it outside for 40mins on charge it will start thanks for your responses
    Just one more if I put bike in service mode and then put the two wires in the white block 1 & 2 then is it 5 & 6 cover back on is that all I need to do to de-commission the alarm or is there a small black slider you have to remove also ??
  17. capt

    capt Elite Member

    May 8, 2016
    western Australia
    I believe the alarm plugin requires a couple of pin's to be crossed, so two wires between ?4? Pins and it's back to operating as normal , as std is without alarms.
  18. Nasher

    Nasher Member

    May 24, 2018
    West Yorkshire

    thanks Capt appreciate your reply

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