Most Interesting Riding Companions

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Happy Jack, Mar 1, 2022.

  1. Happy Jack

    Happy Jack Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2022
    Florissant Mo
    My buddy Kent who is a great guy and good friend I met him at a BMW rally in Wisconsin He was standing over a camp fire guzzling Old Kessler while telling us when it cold you just ride faster! On the way to a National Rally in Oregon his bike would not start in Wyoming Three cowboys in a pickup truck we’re headed the same way so every time he shut the bike off they would push start him. Kent is a man of considerable stature 6’7”” about 400 lbs so it took all 3 of them to push the bike. This went on till he finally arrived in Salem Or. So he calls me to meet him at the BMW dealer. I get there he says it will take an hour to swap his starter out But we could go to breakfast. Ok great I will call a cab. No he says we will take your bike. I have never been able to flat foot a FJR but I did. He grabs my shoulder with his massive hands and off we go. I was very challenged. I spent the whole time at breakfast terrified. But then I occurred to me he could ride the bike and I wouldbe the passenger Ok except his feet were so big he could not shift the bike off we go 25 miles in first gear! He had the largest seat I have ever seen on a GS. I ask him we’re he got it. Well you just call Rick Mayer and tell your A giant lard ass and he sends you the seat! Kent’s now in his mid 80s and still rides a true friend and gentleman
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  2. Armando Morales

    Armando Morales Noble Member

    Mar 29, 2021
    What a story!
    It is very nice to have a large friend
    There is one like that in the group that I usually ride with
    He rides a GS adventure and it looks like a mini bike with him riding it, he has helped riders in distress so many times
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  3. PatW

    PatW Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2021
    A dear friend, now sadly no longer with us was always a large lad, 6'2" and around 18 stone when we were teenagers. He was kind, funny and Always ready to help anyone, like a lot of big guys he was a gentle giant but when angered, truly terrifying. Loved his bikes, especially two strokes, he only owned 3 bikes his whole life, an RD 250, 350 and a KH500 which were still in his possession when he died. Anyhow he was serving a riding ban in the 70s so I used to carry him pillion on my YDS7, I was about 10 stone then, actually I still am. It was a challenge to get used to all the extra weight and every time we went over a bump my bike would cut out, couldnt work out why, turns out all the extra weight was forcing the metal seat base down and shorting the battery terminals. One night we absolutely slaughtered on cider and wobbling the bike up a very steep country lane home with the bike intermittently cutting out and bursting back into life so I stood up on the pegs and gave it a big fistful, pulled an almost vertical wheelie and flew up the lane, frealised john had disappeared so I stopped and waited, finally he came limping around the corner with my rear indicators in his hand. R.I.P. Big John, I think about you every day.
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  4. Happy Jack

    Happy Jack Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2022
    Florissant Mo
    Sorry for your loss
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  5. PatW

    PatW Senior Member

    Apr 4, 2021
    We gave him a good biker send off.:party:
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