Hi, does anyone have a wiring diagram for the jolt method of bringing the voltage up at the coils during start from cold. Have all the bits n pieces, just need to know how it all goes. Thanks, Martin
Sorry Marty but have absolutely no idea what you're talking about - but it sounds interesting. Can you give us more info about what it is and what bikes does it apply to?
I was looking about on another triumph forum and apparently its a common fault, the voltage drop to the coils on cold startup, but after a bit of digging and some more looking about the solution is feeding a supply to positive terminal on coils that activates with the starter, and my hastily prepared wiring diagram shows how its done
It might.....the principle is to effectively bypass or as if you are connecting jump leads to give the coils a boost when cold starting . The loom has something like 27 crimped connections between battery and eventually the coils and with age it creates a voltage drop of between 2 and 5 volts which cant be helpful at all. I assume you mean using the module to produce tbe power boost to the coils?