stick with the diablo supercorsa sp's?

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by MuddyFoxDan, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. MuddyFoxDan

    MuddyFoxDan New Member

    Mar 23, 2016
    Hi all!
    just wondered if i could get some advice, currently got the diablo supercorsa sp's fitted to the speed triple, going over to the IOM TT races for a week. The rear is slightly starting to flat spot, would it be best to stick with them and risk the very probable wet road here and there or maybe go for the new pilot road 4's? reviews look good but just wanted thoughts from experiences maybe?

    Thanks in advance:D:D
  2. 711jrp

    711jrp Active Member

    Apr 15, 2015
    south london
    I'm going the opposite way in the next week or two, had pilot road 3s and then 4s on my speedy s3r but while they are definitely the best tire I have had in the wet I find the front end a bit vague with them on.
  3. MuddyFoxDan

    MuddyFoxDan New Member

    Mar 23, 2016
    Oh really? Hmm, in that case I might wait a while before making any decisions and try and get some more info! I'm not particularly an experienced rider so any experience/comments are greatly welcome!

  4. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    Hi Dan, I'm 2k mls into my factory fitted SP's (so can't give first hand advice yet), they're probably going to need replacing at about 3k by the looks of things. When I bought the bike the dealer warned they won't last me too long, so I'd originally thought about replacing them with a sports touring tyre Metzeler Z8 that I've liked the feel of on my previous bikes.
    But I like the SP's grip and feel so much that I'm reluctant to spoil the bike for a few extra miles tyre life, having said that there are many who've said the SP's are not too clever in the wet (I've not been caught out in the wet so far). So I'm now going to go for the Metzeler M7RR which is a sports tyre but also has decent wet weather grip and may be a little extra milage.
    All the reviews on this tyre seem very positive (came top in recent MCN tyre test - can't find that one on line), see here also. Think the guys a shade quicker than me ;), so I'm taking his advice.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. MuddyFoxDan

    MuddyFoxDan New Member

    Mar 23, 2016
    Great, you've just added another into the mix then thanks Col haha :D ill have to have a look as I was just about to grab a set of the PR4's. I do love the look and feel of the SP's and everyone rates their dry grip im just worried that if its even slightly damp ill be doubting them.
    Thanks again
  6. Wasp

    Wasp Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
    Burnley NWUK
    Hi all,

    Glad this has come up, I'm pickin up me new s3r next weekend and it is shod with super corsa 3's I think, but from what I've heard they won't last long. I too would like something that will behave when moist (ooo errr missus) due to the fact it's nearly always bloody wet. Hopefully there will be further contributions....


  7. Victor

    Victor Active Member

    Jul 26, 2015
    North Wales
    Had Metz Z8s fitted to mine when new last year as part of the deal. I just had to pay an hours labour to have them changed. The grip is really good in the dry and although I had reservations about wet grip, I can't say I have had any moments over the winter. Wear wise, 3500 miles and the rear is about 50% down.

  8. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    i fitted the Angel gt and they give great grip,not been out in the wet yet but they will be miles better than the supercoras plus I've heard people get as much as 8k out of them! if i get 4/5k i will be happy
  9. Richard H

    Richard H Noble Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Swadlincote Derbyshire England
    Hi, personally I would stick with the tyres you have until they need changing. The way I see it the Pilot Roads only come into their own with lots of standing water with their extra snipes......most of us have already backed well off in those conditions.

    I did eventually fit PR3S to my Speed Triple and was very happy with them but never had an issue with the more racey OE soft tyres and I did lots of wet weather touring.

    Did the Isle of Man TT last year and had a great time. I myself would be more concerned avoiding some of the nutters riding beyond their ability on the unlimited sections of the public roads than the wet grip of your tyres.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. MuddyFoxDan

    MuddyFoxDan New Member

    Mar 23, 2016
    Hahah!! so very true, spend more time looking in your mirrors than the road infront! Apreciate the reply bud thanks for the advice!!
  11. hic2wo

    hic2wo Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    I am in the same dilemma , 1300 miles on the supercorsas and they are almost doomed , got a tracknight at knockhill tomorrow which shall finish them ! Ive never tried sports touring tires and am curious how hard they can be pushed . Diablos were brilliant but cant afford to change every 1300 miles ! Have had m7rr and diablo rosso 3 on previous bikes both of which have been very good . Another member raves about the angel gt.
  12. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    ha ha that will be me raving about the angel gt! in all honesty i don't think there will be a lot of difference between any of the mid to higher price sport touring tyres,i've only had my speed triple a few months so i havn't tried any other make and i've not done a track day on them, but i've read they are pretty good on the track..won't be as good as the supercorsas though!
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Leegrimo

    Leegrimo Active Member

    Apr 30, 2016
    Are the Rosso 3 good in the wet ?
  14. hic2wo

    hic2wo Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    Until it rains , as it often does in our part of the country !
  15. hic2wo

    hic2wo Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    They were decent in the wet although I was not pushing to be fair , It was the beginning of April on a cold day and the tyre would not heat up much with the rain , Seemed hard wearing and felt very much like m7rr , very similar profile.

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