1200 Rs Exhaust Valve Cover

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by 5teveb, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. 5teveb

    5teveb Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
    So had my first warranty issue.
    Been checking the exhaust valve cover regularly after reports of it coming loose and falling off. On this occasion it seemed very loose and on inspection it was found that the bracket the cover bolts to had completely sheared off, and the cover was just sitting in place not attached to anything. Dunno how it stayed on. Any way dealer informed..looks like a complete new exhaust can as everything seems to be welded up around the valve. Pics for anyone interested.



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  2. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    #2 Col_C, Sep 15, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2021
    Exhaust valve's the devils work anyway, when the misses had a Daytona675 it was known to regularly seize and sometimes burn out the actuator. Better off ditching the bloody thing, think it was just there for noise regs on the 675 - is it there for that or mid-range boost on yours?
    What's the betting dealer blames your size 11 boot for the problem, looks too close to the footpeg in your photo.
    (also means a new exhaust if the valve ever seizes in the future, I assume it will be the same as the Daytona, the flap/pivot shaft is not removable/serviceable without machining it out)
  3. blagi

    blagi Member

    Jun 18, 2021
    Today, when I was cleaning my rs, noticed that valve cover is missing. Checked pictures from last ride, and conclusion is that it was proabably felt of in last few days.
    I'm going to report this to my dealer on monday and will see what will be next step.
    I hope that cover missing have no affect on riding.
  4. passeparici

    passeparici New Member

    Aug 24, 2021
    Aix en Provence, France
    No way the dealer can blame that on a boot problem : they all do that ! The attach is too thin.
    I put some wire to secure mine and I wait until they find a solution
  5. passeparici

    passeparici New Member

    Aug 24, 2021
    Aix en Provence, France
    At first the exhaust valves were "invented" by Yamaha a long time ago for mid range boost. Now we read sometime it is there for noise reduction. I bet nobody knows but Triumph. If it is there for mid range boost it is a bummer to take it out.
    Concerning this cover, it is a real problem for Triumph as every thing is soldered on the pipe
  6. xorbe

    xorbe Noble Member

    Jan 27, 2021
    CA, USA
    I safety wired mine a few weeks ago. I think you're the first person to retain the failed part! Nice pic confirming the exact spot. Everyone's pics were difficult to tell exactly.
  7. 5teveb

    5teveb Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
    So it seems Triumph have acknowledged the problem and have developed a retro fit bracket which attaches across the cable mount..my dealer called to inform me it will be at the dealership next week so all good....
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  8. Neal H

    Neal H Active Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    I gave mine a waggle (technical term) the other day and all seems secure.
  9. blagi

    blagi Member

    Jun 18, 2021
    Yesterday I was at my dealers place to pikc up fly screen, andthey said that my warranty report was accepted and that triumph is going to send them complete new exhaust and rear rim, because my rim has scratch from this cover falling situation.
    So.... I'm very interested to see if this new exhaust will be upgraded, because if it would be the same, problem will still be present
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  10. Filipe Guerra

    Filipe Guerra New Member

    Aug 13, 2021
    Almada, Portugal

    Here my dealer said the new!! exhaust has the problem solved about that issue. Let´s hope so.

  11. Filipe Guerra

    Filipe Guerra New Member

    Aug 13, 2021
    Almada, Portugal

    Here my dealer said the new!! exhaust has the problem solved about that issue. Let´s hope so.

  12. 5teveb

    5teveb Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
    so this is the triumph dealer fix if anyone interested..

  13. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    Mmmm, so the sort of bodge you'd knock up at home if you'd bought a used bike without a warranty. :confused:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. dav.a

    dav.a Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2018
    According to Triumphs Technical Information website, their replacement for Tritun, service bulletin 591 instructs dealers to carry out this modification either prior to delivery or at the next visit to the dealership. The VIN range affected is from AD2117 to AU6999.

    Also Service Bulletin 590 instructs dealers to re-torque the alternator, clutch, crank and balancer cover fixings to 10Nm, again either prior to delivery or when next at the dealers. For those doing it themselves BE WARNED do not tighten the fixing partially hidden by the Crankshaft End Cover because this may cause damage which is not covered by any Triumph Warranty.
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