Daytona 1000 Clutch Issue...or Idiot With A Spanner

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by STIFFLER, Aug 17, 2021.


    STIFFLER Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2015
    Hi All.
    A frustrating day in the shed as the old Daytona once again is putting up a fight. Road test yesterday showed brakes & clutch need to be bled again. I now have brakes but the bloomin clutch is being errr a pita.
    Ive bled it through 3 times, i have zero air bubbles yet the clutch bites real close to the bars & rear wheel spins up straight away . Once spinning if i jam the rear brake on the bike stalls.

    Ive been reading on here that a trophy clutch stuck after only 12 months off the road , well this baby has had 4+ years in hibernation so is it possible the plates are stuck together????? Do i have to get brutal & find a brick wall? I could do it in the shed but as this thing is large/heavy it`ll probably disappear out the back of the shed through the fence & demolish next doors greenhouse:laughing:. Hmmm collect bag & leave house asap:laughing:.

    Any ideas guy`s n Gals before i start taking this thing apart again: unamused:

    STIFFLER Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2015
    Update,,,,, After reading KevofCov`s issue with his Trophy & all the replies i`ve just been brutal with the old gal. Got her stinking hot, got her to 4K revs n stamped on the brake..yes stalled it. Fired it up again in gear, 4K revs & dropped the clutch then stamped on the brake. Repeated this 5 times & it appears i have a working clutch? Now pissing down so it can wait till tomorrow for a road test. Clutch bite is further away from the bar & she didnt stall when i pulled the lever in & stamped on the brake so fingers crossed!:).

    Need a Beer now
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    STIFFLER Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2015
    Me again,
    Just had another go with it & its not cured:poop:. Also now have a dead section on the lever just after the clutch bites so i can only presume there is still air in the system:weary_face:
    Tomorrow i`ll have another go. So near yet so far, bloody Triumph`s:p
  4. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    This idea may be total bollox and may send others screaming for the door, but ....... I would have a go at firing the bike up and then select 1st gear. With the brakes on and/or the bike hard up against a wall, GENTLY let the clutch start to bite for a couple of seconds and release. Do it a few times in short bursts so as not to overheat and therefore possibly warp the plates. My theory is that doing this will hopefully clean the plates up and thereby stop them sticking/grabbing. Sounds like the bike just needs using a bit.
    Is the oil new? Some oils are better than others - my Trident 900 hated Shell Ultra fully synth, clutch and gearbox were not happy. Motul 5100 semi synth improved matters no end but I had the same thing happen after 5 months of winter inactivity in that it stalled the first time I put it into gear - fist time it had ever done that. Was fine thereafter. Oddly enough, after 7 months of no useage over last winter and an oil/filter change before laying the bike up I had no problem on riding out for the first time this year. Clutch and gearbox working in perfect harmony. I said 'oddly enough' because I used a non branded and inexpensive (around £25 for 5ltrs) fully synth 10/40 oil from Westway Lubricants. This oil is as good as - if not better than - any other that I have used previously and over the last 26 years of ownership I've tried quite a few. Advert over!!! What I'm saying is that some oils seen to be better suited than others to a particular type/make/model/size of bike. This may be part of your problem.

    Just a few random thoughts:confused: of an old fart.:cool:
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  5. Wattie

    Wattie Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    I agree on the oil. I used Shell advance fully synthetic 10w40 oil for years and my 1200 trophy 4 always stalled when selecting 1st after a few weeks layup. I had to do the trick of start it on the center stand, watch the rear wheel spinning in neutral, pop it into first and apply the rear brake while giving it some revs to stop it stalling. I couldn't push it in gear with the clutch held in either. This year I changed to Mobil 1 racing 4t 15w50 fully synth and never had this problem since. I don't understand why, but it is what it is.
    I'm not sure this will help you with what seems a more serious issue, but I just thought I chirp up.
    Good luck.
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    STIFFLER Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2015
    Cheers Steve/Wattie,
    Any ideas are worth a try right now as im a little out of ideas:confused::). Im going to bleed it again later just to see if air is still lurking in there. Never had this dead feel on the lever before. I got a couple of things to try.
    Oil is Motul & looks fresh but i changed the oil years ago..yes terrible i know but i have not run it till lock down last year. Servicing it has caused me a few headaches :).
    Dying to get an MOT on it this week as once im back at work Santa will be delivering bits for it before i know it:laughing:
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    STIFFLER Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2015
    I have a better lever feel after 30mins n umpteen bleeds! Tested it on the stand & it did`nt stall when i applied the back brake.Go the bike out & its still a little close to the bars for my liking but seems ok. Road test round the farm after a cuppa.
    Im hoping lack of use(dreaming lol) has caused this but anyone got any more ideas?

    STIFFLER Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2015
    Another update:),
    Steve/Wattie, I`ve dropped the oil & fitted new filter. Had a shock as the oil was blacker than the bike! Is it just me or has anyone bought a HYFLO filter where the bloomin O ring for the filter housing is always too big?
    Any how, Result is still the same,clutch still does`nt feel right & lever bites real close to the bar. It did`nt stall though so now i`ve ty rapped the lever to the bar to try that:pensive::).
    At this rate i`ll have more update`s than Sinatra had come backs :)
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  9. Wattie

    Wattie Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    Yep, on the oil filter I gave up on them because of the O ring and went back to triumph originals.
    Sounds like you've got a rideable machine? Is it MOT'd yet? If so maybe you can get out and some usage might help the clutch/actuation? I was always crap at bleeding hydraulics until I started using a vacuum pump to suck the fluid through rather than pump it through.
    Hope you get it fixed soon and get that beauty out on the road before winter sets in... It's great to see people keeping them original and riding them.
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    STIFFLER Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2015
    I had to use the old O ring due to time. Ive missed out on getting it mot`d now as work/life is gonna take over for a few weeks which is a shame but the bike is much further on than i expected. I`ve had quite a job list to deal with so & its getting there.
    Yep i`ve bought a pump & a 1 way valve for bleeding & it works well. I cant see any air in the system now but who knows lol.
    I`ve had this bike for 5 years so another month or two to get it on the road is`nt gonna make much difference:)

    STIFFLER Senior Member

    Jan 27, 2015
    Once the sun came out i tried the bike again. Last night i cable tied the lever to the bar. 1st impressions on warm up err were not good. Took it up the farm track & spanked it up n down the box & its getting there. When reversing with it in gear i can now move it where as before it would not reverse at all. Out of 5 emergency stops it only stalled once but since i`ve had the carbs apart i have not re balanced them & its possible that that`s my next job:) At least im not bored & my saga carry`s on:)
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