2016 Triumph Truxton R

Discussion in 'Thruxton, Scrambler & Trident' started by Truxtonrlondon, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Truxtonrlondon

    Truxtonrlondon New Member

    Apr 28, 2016
    Hi All

    i am new in this forum and i though my first post should be like this. I have been biking over 10 years, had so many bikes over the years. Never had a triumph before as it never have the blink for me.
    Currently owning a 2015 Ducati Multistarada 1200s DVT model, yes its an amazing bike but the drums always sounds better from distance :). i though its best for me to sell it before i loose more money on it as for me i put around 6000 to 12000 miles per year. i ride in every season.

    So Triumph first interest me with the Truxton R and NEW Speed Triple R, never ridden a triple before v twins v4s flat 6 but never a triple. but then realise the truxton is a lovely parallel twin.
    Never ridden this kind of Cafe racer before only can compare it to BMW RnineT so dont shoot me :)

    from the minute i start the engine to the minute i turn it off , it was a calm but very enjoyable bike. Truxton R supposed to be a little "race side" of truxton or Bonneville family, specially the suspension is a little hard they said in the reviews, but i find the settings quite comfort. the power delivery and on/off throttle respond was just amazing. Riding fly by wire motorbike from the day they come out, and this is one of the finest example of it.
    The bike felt light as light as a Diavel and handle as well as a Diavel or Bmw RnineT. I felt it was as good fun as BMW RnineT however it was more refined. As much as i ride it like a sports bike i couldn't get the fuel spend under 50mpg. For me thats a big plus, but soon i realise he power delivery was very different. The truxton R become alive at 2000 rpm up to 4500 rpm then on the more top of the range it wasn't that strong. Run off steam on top i could say. But soon you kind of learn to leave with it. The torque was so good and available i was very suprise. i felt the torque was better then Ducati Multi at "URBAN MODE" (100hp). It never felt too fast or over powered , its liveable machine and for sure LOVEABLE. The finish was just perfect. it was better then Ducati or BMW, i would say one of the best finished Triumph on the show room.:)

    So what did i do i put a deposit on then test ride the other gorgeous Triumph Speed Triple R then will decide what to do.

    I am a biker and i love all bikes and ridden all kind, i don't have a just one type of bike and taste. i don't believe you cant commute with a BMW K1600 GT i did, i dont believe you cant be more comfortable two up on a ZX14R i and my wife did.

    anyway Thank you for reading this as you migh realise i will be commuing , sunday riding and even may be touring on a Truxton R and definitely you will see big customs from me even if i get a Speed triple R or Truxton R.
    So what is the verdict the speed triple and truxton was so close to each other in a weird way. They are not as strong as each other but weight similar , MPG similar usable torque similar. Practically they were both street naked class for me.

    let me now your though 's

    Cheers and hello From London Town :)

  2. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    Hi Truxton welcome to the forum (did you miss out the H intentionally!) i've got a 2014 speed triple and it's a great bike and i've heard the new one is even better :),it's a tough one,if your'e riding is more sport orientated i would go with the speed triple as they are dead easy to ride and corners like they are on rails..! i've never riden a thruxton but i imagine you will have more rider input with it..which is no bad thing, infact sometimes it can be more satisfying if you have to put more effort into riding a bike..if you have loads of money buy both!! :D
    • Like Like x 1
  3. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi truxton, welcome in, I am extremely jealous of your predicament! What a decision to have to make. Being a Thruxton owner I would like to be able to give advice but the new Thruxton is such a different bike I couldn't help, not had a test ride yet:( but soon, I may be wrong, but to me the Thruxton is not really aimed at the commuter or touring market especially 2 up, places to put luggage for one and also the seat arrangement, whereas the triple might just squeeze in there, I am sure there is luggage ready to fit. Have you tried out the new Bonnie? Might be worth a test, later you might be able to get mods to make it sportier.
  4. Truxtonrlondon

    Truxtonrlondon New Member

    Apr 28, 2016
    yeah i wish i have lots of money because i love them both. i am more in to Speed triple but Thruxton seemed so beautiful. The snachy throttle on Speed Triple was alittle of putting may be it was the demo bike
  5. Truxtonrlondon

    Truxtonrlondon New Member

    Apr 28, 2016
    the bonnie needs to much update to make it like the typical bike i ride. thruxton R is very close. The Speed Triple was nice but yes i though the same thing how is it two up and is it better then thruxton R? yes Thruxton R doesnt even have a pilliion seat or pegs BUT is addable , you can even add a Quick Shifter :) lol
    i must say both Speed and Thruxton was both smooth as butter ! even if i buy a Speed i will put clip ons and Thruxton R single head light ! i think the head light is simply beautiful !
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Dougie D

    Dougie D Crème de la Crème

    Jan 30, 2016
    Blairgowrie Perthshire
    My bike is a little snatchy at times it's not too bad though 99% of the time it's fine,i would have thought they would have sorted it out on the new Speed triple,maybe try and get a longer test ride and get out into the open roads,guess that depends whereabouts in London you stay but hopefully it doesn't take you too long to get out of the big smoke
  7. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Hi and welcome to the forum.
    Having just come back from a test ride of the new Thruxton R I have to agree with you - it's an awesome bike loads of torque from that 1200 twin.
  8. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
  9. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    It wasn't blue crispey don't worry!
  10. Truxtonrlondon

    Truxtonrlondon New Member

    Apr 28, 2016
    i live in south east london and commute everyday to chelsea and mayfair so its the worst traffic london can throw you but i done it with bmw k 1600 gt and kawasaki gtr 1400 so not afraid to do it with a beauty like thruxton but you guys have nice comments i think triumph got nice community.

    PETER CLARKE Senior Member

    Nov 11, 2015
    Welcome in TH The Thruxton R can certainly rule you head its a pure beauty:)

    PETER CLARKE Senior Member

    Nov 11, 2015
    I have done this sort of riding for over 10 years in good and bad weather and in my opinion its the only way to travel around London.
  13. Pottsy

    Pottsy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Plymouth, UK
    Hi Thruxton
    Welcome in, still quite new myself, but the guys seem a good bunch with good advice. That said I get my Thruxton on the 01jun and have a dual seat on order, as most of my riding is two up, and just hope she will fit on the back ok. The guys advised me to go T 120 route but I took the Thruxton R out after the T 120 and it was worth taking the risk that the wife will fit on ( I hope ) That Thruxton is just so different to the T120.
  14. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Well, at least you know if she doesn't fit there are plenty of triumphs that she will fit on out there so you'll just have to get another one.
  15. Pottsy

    Pottsy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Plymouth, UK
    Ya cos i can't ask her to loose any more weight!!!!!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Pottsy

    Pottsy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Plymouth, UK
    Ya but you have to know that I enjoy the mountain biking world, you get these guys that spends hundreds of pounds knocking grams off there bikes when actually dropping half a stone off your own body is a lot cheaper. But she has done really well lost 24 lb in 18 months. Down to size 10.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Yeah always thought about the serious cycling guys buying light weight parts for their bikes when shedding a few pounds would be a lot cheaper.
    My mate spent a fortune lightening his race car but could barely zip his race suit up!
    • Like Like x 2

    PETER CLARKE Senior Member

    Nov 11, 2015
    Hey Pottsy this is a great idea what about buying a bike for the wife ?
  19. Pottsy

    Pottsy Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    Plymouth, UK
    You clearly have had way too much to drink, the roads in Plymouth are dangerous enough with all the pot holes without introducing another hazrad,
    Shush everyone, she's coming........
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Richard H

    Richard H Noble Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    Swadlincote Derbyshire England
    Hi and welcome. I moved from a hopelessly unreliable 2011 Ducati Multistrda to a Speed Triple and loved it, the Thruxton is a thing of beauty.

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