Electric Triumph Announced

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Ducatitotriumph, Mar 23, 2021.

  1. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    #21 Sandi T, Mar 25, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
    You pretty much nailed why I'm not a excited about electric motorcycles at this point, Steve. I had the opportunity to ride Harley-Davidson's LiveWire prototype and more recently the LiveWire that has been released to the public. Aspects of it were great fun but I agee with Steve about riding for pleasure and part of that is the engine feel and sound. And the range and charging would be a barrier for me living in the "wide open spaces" of the desert southwest.

    That all said, who knows what the future holds? I never thought I'd own a bike like my Speed Triple RS, either. "Never say never". But for now, no thank you.
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  2. sprintdave

    sprintdave Nurse, think it's time for his medications.

    May 25, 2014
    No way for me , you cannot beat the sound of a triple on song and as for the option to play a soundtrack noise would it have the pops and farts we love so much?
    Surely most of us have mobile phones these days and know that little by little the charge doesn't last as long as it used to and we maybe had to replace the battery? Well firstly if the initial range is only 120 miles or so it would soon drop down into double figures and secondly how big a mortgage would we need to replace those batteries?
    Naaaa, I will stick with my old T509 thanx and be a dinosaur.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. KevinP

    KevinP New Member

    Feb 16, 2017
    I suppose it's like any tool that does a job for you, electric bikes will be good for some jaunts, but not for all. We just have to get our minds around where they fit in and dump this world idealistic mentality that no other power sources are acceptable, i.e. we need a compromise with a view to energy pollution reduction. When we see an alternative for the large diesel trucks then I think we will see the future.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. SteveRS

    SteveRS First Class Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    British Columbia
    At the moment we have two vehicles in our family. One is a 2015 Toyota Prius C and the other is a 2010 Nissan Murano. I plan on retiring in approximately 9 years, and will keep these vehicles until then. At that time we will go to one vehicle and it will be an electric vehicle. For us an electric vehicle makes sense for our family vehicle for obviously reasons like the low cost to charge the vehicle, limited maintenance and repairs which contributes to a much lower cost of ownership. Reliability of an electric motor has also proven to be superior to an ICE as well. But for my motorcycle, that I use for pleasure, I want nothing to do with an electric bike.

    MARK DOBSON Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2019
    Houston TX
    Firstly I work in the oil n gas industry..but that aside ,my concern is the unseen eco damage done to mine the minerals and transport them etc needed to produce the battery’s ..hydrogen would be my choice for alt power .
    Just my 0.02 cents
    • Like Like x 1
  6. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    I love that Triumph are getting in to the EV market and start looking into producing something like an EV bike. Looking at what the kids drive today in terms of mopeds EV seems to be very popular, and when its time for them to get a motorcycle EV could be a natural choice.

    Like with cars I like both fossilfuel ones and EV, both have their charm.

    Both the oil and gas industry and mining minerals affects the ecosystem. I do think it will be vital in the future that companies declare how their batteries are being produced so that customers has a choice and know what they are supporting/buying.
    Thinking of it, maybe we should demand the same thing with our fossilfuel companies.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    Producing fossilfuel to our cars requires quite a lot of power so whenever the need for fuel decreases there will be more power to feed our EV's.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. Wire-Wheels

    Wire-Wheels Elite Member

    Apr 26, 2019
    California - USA
    No chance I will spend money on this crap. Not one thin dime. I don't think I am the only one that feels this way either. The politicians are blowing a lot of hot air out about this idea lately. The last I read on the subject EV's ( not just the 2 wheeled type) make up less the 1% of vehicle sales in the U.S. I know they are going to try to cram this idea down our throats but I am not buying it. I'll spend.my money on older vehicles. ...J.D.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    #29 SuperHans, Apr 1, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    @Wire-Wheels Its ok, you don't have to like it or you can actually like both technologies since they both have their pros and cons.
    Look at Norway, more than 50% of all vehicles being sold are EV's, pretty impressive for an oil-country to achieve that.

    And I know you disagree with my post but it does require an fair amount of power to pump oil from the ground/sea or use oil sand, transport it, refine so we get the petrol, transport it and so on.
    We won't stop relying on oil even if all cars are EV's but there will be significantly less power needed as we won't need as much of it.
  10. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    This youtube video is quite good at comparing EV's and fossilcars.
    Especially since many has pointed out its not always clean energy that is being used to produce electricity to EV's.

    Good to put things into perspective.
  11. Wire-Wheels

    Wire-Wheels Elite Member

    Apr 26, 2019
    California - USA
    #31 Wire-Wheels, Apr 1, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    I won't weigh in on the environmental benefits of EV. In some parts of the world it may even make some sense. But living in the desert South-West, it makes about as much sense as riding a tricycle to work. As a retired engineer I don't see that much benefit. To generate work you have to burn energy period. You can pretend to get that energy out of thin air by plugging your EV into a tree at night but it just does not work that way. That power still has to be generated, transported, marketed and paid for. To do this on any grand scale is a colossal investment in electrical infastructure. In the end the consumer is going to pay through the nose for it. Southern California Edison cannot keep the blackouts from happening in the summer already. ...J.D.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    Well it sounds like you need to upgrade your grid and powerplants either way since you have blackouts.
    But as you say EV isn't for everyone just as diesel isn't for everyone, that's why we prob will have a choice in the future just as we have today (EV, petrol, diesel, lpg, cng, FCEV etc.)
    I think its more down to actually looking how you use it in the future and getting a vehicle that suits.
    I think the winning concept is a mix, not that everyone is using EV. Today we don't use one type of fuel...doubt we will in the future.
  13. Wire-Wheels

    Wire-Wheels Elite Member

    Apr 26, 2019
    California - USA
    Where I live has the largest population of any state in the US. Yet they keep encouraging growth and expansion. Upgrading the grid is WAY behind. This is one of those places where growth needs to just stop but we know that will not happen. They just recently instituted a "time of use" billing system for our electric usage. You pay a higher rate for peak usage times which coincides with the evening hours when eveyone is home (and of course you would be charging your EV). The electric company sent me some supposed "studies" for both my homes on my time of use and how thier new plan will "save me money". What a crock of propaganda that was ! They want to charge you more right when you need it the most. I turned them down flat. Fortunately it is still voluntarily. But it probably will not be that way in the future. ...J.D.
  14. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    I think its brilliant that they are starting to use a "time of use" system to balance things out. Most EV's will prob be charged at night/early morning or at work...or when needed, so its a good way of steering people when to use certain things (and electricity) and finding a good balance in the grid/power production.

    When it comes to the grid, Sweden has their own challenges, much of it is related to the privatisation of companies that owns and maintains the grid which has lead to less investments and now there is a need for a massive upgrade. Not just to accommodate our constant need for more electricity and growth of population but since its old too.

    But, as with most infrastructural things, all from roads to broadband we do need it and it does cost to maintain and build new. But personally I don't think the solution is to stop evolving.

    I do find it amazing that they always go for the "save money" slogan as you mention @Wire-Wheels.
    I always think a better approach would be "how can we provide a better service".
  15. Trash

    Trash New Member

    Mar 1, 2021
    Good on Triumph!

    People can whinge and moan all they like, but electric bikes are coming, and at some point hydrocarbon fuels will be a thing of the past. You can embrace it, turn your nose up, or even go full boomer at the idea but you won't stop it!
  16. SteveRS

    SteveRS First Class Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    British Columbia
    I have no interest in stopping it, I just won’t have anything to do with it. I’m in my fifties now and will be able to enjoy the glorious experience of a petrol engine until I’m unable to ride anymore.

    I have a similar take on the world we live in now. It’s full of snowflakes driving an over the top politically correct Society. I’m happy I’m not just starting out as a young person. Look at the corruption taking place worldwide with regards to the COVID-19 plandemic. Unfortunately it looks like this is just the beginning for this type of corruption within government. Again, I’m happy I’m older and on my way out, and not young starting out in this world.
  17. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    IMO we are going to be pushed into moving to EV’s. The only saving grace for me is It will be happening after I stop riding, so it won’t matter. As for kids growing up they will not know anything different so will more than likely adopt the changes without any issues..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Captain Klang

    Captain Klang Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2019
    I will never ever own one. Triumph or any other manufacturers. It’s a stupid idea to take a vulnerable road user like a motorcyclist who at least has sound to warn the stupid and blind four plus wheeled warrior we are there. Take that away and we become electric cyclists with all the additional risks of not only not being seen, but never heard either. Stuff that. Unless I can have a 175dB sound generator of a Rolls Royce Merlin on full throttle fitted for free.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
  20. Octoberon

    Octoberon Crème de la Crème

    Jul 2, 2020
    Peak District, Yorkshire
    #40 Octoberon, Jul 11, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
    It's steam versus diesel all over again.

    Many of us are fortunate and have more than a single bike waiting in the garage, because one size rarely fits all. I'd see this one the same way. There are some great advantages with an electric vehicle that would make it great fun, but I wouldn't trade my Street Triple for one. I'd want both!
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