Tiger 800 Do Any Of The Stock Screens On The New 800s Actually Work?

Discussion in 'Tiger / Explorer' started by cliverdee, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. cliverdee

    cliverdee Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Hi, I’m struggling and need some advice. Currently I’ve a Street Scrambler but at anything over 50mph the wind blast & wind noise spoils the ride. I’ve had a 14 plate Tiger 800 and then a 2016 Tiger xrx before and fitted Madstad screens to both as the Triumph screens were worse than useless. The Madstad screen looks ugly but was perfect in cutting out wind noise, blast and turbulence so I am starting to think of returning to Tigers just so I can enjoy riding at normal speeds again. I’ve not tried the recent Tigers with the new stock screens so am asking if they actually work or still cause some noise or turbulence. If I did go for another Tiger I’m thinking of either the XR or the XRX. I wouldn’t want to pay £1500 more for the XRX and then have to change the screen but would be happy to spend the £300 odd for a Madstad screen on an XR... so grateful to all who are able to offer advice. I’m 5’11” tall. Thanks a lot
  2. Gleekzorp

    Gleekzorp New Member

    Mar 18, 2019
    The Far East (of Holland)
    Hi, I've got a 2018 XCX; didn't like the stock screen much, mainly because it just wasn't tall enough (me being a bit over 6'6"). I replaced it with this one from Givi which is height adjustable and 14.5 cm (5.7") taller than the stock one. Works perfect for me and doesn't break the bank...
  3. cliverdee

    cliverdee Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Hi thanks for that... guess with your height probably most stock screens wouldn’t be good so glad the givi works for you ... and as you say isn’t too expensive compared with the Madstad. Will bear in mind when I decide what to do.
  4. mim

    mim New Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    Hi I had similar issues, I ended buying an MRA screen with spoiler from https://www.bikehps.com/, much cheaper than Madstad and pretty good / good enough, better than stock screen but not perfect.
  5. Tallpaul

    Tallpaul Noble Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    I've just fitted a cheapo Chinese knock off deflector to the top of my non adjustable standard screen. Brilliant. I'm 6'2".
    • Like Like x 1
  6. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    I fitted the MRA deflector on mmine which works well for me, I'm 5'10".
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Steph

    Steph New Member

    Mar 4, 2020
    Hi , I've had a tiger 800 xrt for 2 years now and toured alot with it very happily but always wanted to improve the buffeting. I have now solved it with 30 percent smoked puig touring screen plus a spoiler .. I'm 5'11 medium build and it looks really nice and i can now happily ride with visor up at 75 mph , makes a big difference in the full vertical position. I also have attached a puig spoiler to the top and this also makes a big difference as without it you still get some buffering wind. I like the the screen is adjustable as I can fold it down to 45 degrees as I have a bike cover and it fits nicely. I'm sure others will do a similar job but this is what I went with and dont regret it ! Happy Touring :cool:
    • Like Like x 1
  8. cliverdee

    cliverdee Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Ah thats interesting, thanks for sharing experience of the stock screen... still seems odd to me that manufacturers produce bikes often used as tourers like the Tiger that fail to provide a wind & buffeting free ride and it’s the customer who then has to find a cure... often only a compromise.. Having had Madstads on the 2 Tiger 800s I can only say they were superb and the adjustments allowed me to fine tune the screen just right for my height. Since my initial posting I’ve decided to stick with my Street Scrambler for the time being but have purchased a Madstad for it...is booked into the dealership as the fork bolts have to taken off as the screen is fork mounted and I haven’t the tools... so will be interesting to see how the Madstad works on this bike... I think it will certainly detract from the look of the Street Scrambler but I’m beyond the priority of style over function and just want a relaxed wind free ride at reasonable speeds... as I had with the Tigers. .. fingers crossed as they ain’t cheap!
  9. Steph

    Steph New Member

    Mar 4, 2020
    Yeah in know what you mean ... I guess to make one bike do everything, fun to ride, go 2 up touring, not too heavy, etc etc and still look cool is the holy grail... no such thing as perfection I guess, a bit like relationships .. good luck with the screen
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Russell Cummings

    Russell Cummings New Member

    Feb 16, 2021
    Burleigh Heads - Australia
    Thanks for the feedback. I’ve just purchased a 2016 Tiger 800 XRT and the stock screen is driving me crazy with buffeting on my helmet. I’m 5’11” so it’s not like I’m a giant! I bought an aftermarket spoiler which has helped but still very noisy. I am on a long ride at the moment and have completely removed the stock screen. The bike looks like crap but my helmet is in clean air for the next 1500km. I like the idea of the Puig Touring with spoiler. I’ll let you know how I go.
  11. Russell Cummings

    Russell Cummings New Member

    Feb 16, 2021
    Burleigh Heads - Australia
    Thanks for the feedback. I’ve just purchased a 2016 Tiger 800 XRT and the stock screen is driving me crazy with buffeting on my helmet. I’m 5’11” so it’s not like I’m a giant! I bought an aftermarket spoiler which has helped but still very noisy. I am on a long ride at the moment and have completely removed the stock screen. The bike looks like crap but my helmet is in clean air for the next 1500km. I like the idea of the Puig Touring with spoiler. I’ll let you know how I go.
  12. cliverdee

    cliverdee Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Hi, I can 100% recommend the Madstad 20” Explorer screen for the Tiger 800. I put these on both the 2014 and a 2016 Tiger 800s that I’ve owned as the Triumph screens were useless, and as you say say cause tremendous buffeting. I attribute my tinnitus to the wind blast from the stock Triumph screen on the 14 plate and quickly changed to the Madstad. The 2016 xrx I got had a Triumph adjustable screen which was just as useless as the non adjustable so went straight for the Madstad that had been so successful before. No buffeting, no wind blast and you can ride at high speed with your visor up... they are that good !....I’m 5’ 11” so the 20” Explorer screen should be the correct size. As an aside I posted about getting a Madstad for my current Street Scrambler...unfortunately having tried it every which way it’s rubbish ... the airflow and aerodynamics on my classic style bike around the big windscreen just don’t work and make riding very uncomfortable... it’s like chalk & cheese compared to the Madstad on the Tiger 800 . Hope useful :cool:
    • Like Like x 1
  13. figwold

    figwold First Class Member

    Dec 12, 2016
    100% agree. The 20” Madstad on my Tiger 800 is fabulous.
  14. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    can post picture as
    I might get one
  15. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Had the 20" Madstad on my 2016 800 XRx - absolute game changer. Got one on ebay for half the price of a new one. :cool:
  16. cliverdee

    cliverdee Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Pic of Madstad if useful..

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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. KevinP

    KevinP New Member

    Feb 16, 2017
    I just traded my 800Xrx in for a GT Pro 900, but I fitted a Givi airflow to my 800 4 years ago. It was a dream, at all motorway speeds no buffeting just a comfortable ride behind the screen. I have no doubt about recommending it.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. figwold

    figwold First Class Member

    Dec 12, 2016
    Madstad in the middle
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. Cyborgbot

    Cyborgbot Guest

    Thank you cliverdee and figwold for the photos.

    Out of interest do you look through or over the screen when riding? I’m wondering as being short, I might be able to hide entirely behind those screens - I assume they are adjustable so could be on a lower setting?
    • Like Like x 1
  20. figwold

    figwold First Class Member

    Dec 12, 2016
    I look over the screen. It’s a 20” screen and I’m 5ft 11
    • Thanks Thanks x 1

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