Featured Rideout 3 Days, 3 Rideouts, 3 Bikes...and 4 Good Friends

Discussion in 'Rideouts, Trackdays, Touring & Spotted' started by Sandi T, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Thanks, @BonnieCat. I did see your thread and I feel for you. :( To have grey, cold, damp weather on top of a lockdown is bleak. :sob: I'll aim to keep riding and posting so I can provide a bit of vicarious sun, restaurant food, and riding while you're trapped by the virus and the weather. :sun::kissing_heart:

    • Like Like x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Repooh

    Repooh Rarely Satisfied

    Jan 5, 2018
    Stabby Town
    #22 Repooh, Dec 17, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
    Great write up, bikes and food, what's not to love.

    It's nice to vicariously live my riding life through your experiences, and I must say a tad of envy for your stable of bikes.

    Having only gotten to riding at the age of 55 I'm just a little obsessed with the bloody things, as my browsing history can attest. Poor old Pornhub, they think I've died.

    Keep em coming and stay safe, p.s my kids consume three Cholula bottles each month, think our milkman was Mexican.

    Speaking of Mexicans, "what do you call a Mexican chap with 2 willy's"......Hose-A and Hose-B.

    I'll be off now.......
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  3. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Thanks, @Repooh. Glad you enjoy my rideout posts. I'm with you when it come to being "just a little obsessed with the bloody things" (understatement!). I only started riding at the age of 52 so not that much earlier in life than you. I always say that I'm trying to make up for lost time. :joy: And if anyone asks me if I have any regrets in life, I usually answer, "Yeah, that I didn't start riding motorcycles a long time ago!" ;):)

    I actually find myself in wonder at my motorcycle collection. Sometimes I just smile when I walk into the garage because I can't believe that I own three motorcycles--and I enjoy the heck out of each of them. If anyone had asked me a dozen years ago if I'd love riding motorcycles more than almost anything else and that I'd own three bikes I'd have laughed my arse off. Never say never, right?

    Love it that your kids are Cholula fans! They eat more of the stuff than Mr. Sandi and I do and we really like it and we eat a lot of Mexican food. :yum

    Hose-A and Hose-B....good one! :joy:
    • Like Like x 3
  4. PammyLove

    PammyLove New Member

    Sep 8, 2020
    Hi, Sandi-thanks for a great write-up! I’m newish to the forum, am also a “later-in-life” rider (rode a scooter for MANY years, and bought a Street Twin this past summer).

    I also grew up in NM, it was great to see some chile rellenos, that’s my favorite (and a litmus test for any place that claims to serve Mexican food).

    Thanks for sharing your ride(s)-I’m waiting for things to dry out here just a bit.
    • Like Like x 3
  5. figwold

    figwold First Class Member

    Dec 12, 2016
    Hi Sandi, great to read this and see some sunshine being enjoyed with some great bikes and eateries. And friends.

    There’s so much bad stuff happening here at the moment it feels a bit like you are in the great Nevil Shute novel “On the Beach”, enjoying a touch of normality despite doom and gloom elsewhere.

    A bit melodramatic of course, but never a bad idea to remember a great novel.

    Fortunately we know that (over here at least, not so much in the EU) we have vaccines ramping up rapidly so by the time it warms up in the Spring life should be looking much better.

    Stay safe and enjoy each day
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    You're welcome, @PammyLove! And welcome to the forum. How are you liking your Street Twin??

    Where in NM did you grow up? I really like New Mexico and if Mr. Sandi and I moved from Arizona I'd lobby for New Mexico--in many ways New Mexico and Arizona are quite similar. You're right that chile rellenos is a good gauge for the quality and authenticity of a Mexican restaurant.

    Hope you've gotten some dry weather or that some is on the way so you can ride? I haven't seen your forum name pop up before so perhaps have missed seeing any post you've left on The Newbies Hangout or elsewhere. I'll check but if you haven't introduced yourself, please do! And we always love to see photos of new members' motorcycles. :)
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  7. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Hope you get a bit of a break in the weather, @littleade. Nothing like crummy weather on top of a pandemic and political chaos. Here's to some dry and blue skies in your future to brighten your day. :sun::heart:
  8. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    #28 Sandi T, Dec 22, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
    Hi, @figwold. Glad you enjoyed my rideout post. I feel very glad and also blessed that I can get out on my bikes and enjoy riding (again) and hanging out with friends. Between having been off the motorcycles for so long after my bicycle crash and then COVID coming shortly afterwards, I now relish and appreciate each time I go for a spin and share a bit of time with friends. It does, as you noted, constitute a touch of normality in my life. :)

    I'm following the news each day on the vaccines in the UK and now here in the US. I think you are right that as spring approaches life should be looking much better. Thankfully! :heart:
    • Like Like x 4
  9. ColoradoManny

    ColoradoManny Member

    Oct 25, 2020
    Denver, CO
    Chili rellenos and tamales! Real green chili made with fired Hatch green chilis! And good carnitas are a pretty good sign too. ;)

    I lived in Durango, CO for many years and really miss it down in the southwest. The scenery... the food... the roads!

    Every few years I try to get down to somewhere around Four Corners or Kayenta area to have some legit frybread, or even mutton stew if I can get close enough to Shiprock. Yum.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    #30 Sandi T, Dec 26, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2020
    Mr. Sandi and I love Durango. In fact, when we play the "Where would you move if you didn't live where you now live?" game, my hubby's choice is Durango. He loves to fish and there's precious little water here in Arizona. I'd probably opt for Santa Fe. I really like northern New Mexico for many reasons, including the food. But I agree with you about the southwest in general--great scenery, food, and roads! There's such great riding here. :)
    • Like Like x 2
  11. PammyLove

    PammyLove New Member

    Sep 8, 2020
    I lived in the southern part of the state, in Las Cruces, about 40 miles from Hatch. I had no idea what a big deal green chile would become when I was a kid. We now try to roast about 50 pounds every season, and freeze them to last the rest of the year.

    I’ve resigned myself to storing the bike for the winter. I’m in Seattle, and the weather is pretty gross for year-round riding (especially while I get familiar with this bike). I’m really loving it though, and can’t wait til the weather clears enough for me to get out again. I’m also looking into some intermediate riding classes when COVID allows for that sort of thing!

    Thanks for the kind welcome to the forum!
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Pam, I have a sister-in-law who hails from Las Cruces! She now lives with my brother and their two sons in Dallas. I've yet to visit Las Cruces and to date all of my time spent in New Mexico has been in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos along with riding a lot of back roads in the central and northern part of the state.

    We here in Tucson LOVE Hatch green chile! Typically during the season, lots of chiles wind up being roasted at local grocery stores out in the parking lot resulting in that beautiful aroma we in the southwest know and love. :) This year, though, nada. :( We can still get small bags of them at a nearby farmer's market on Sunday mornings, though. And they do roast them right there at the market. :yum

    I'm sorry to read that the weather is nasty enough that you're putting your Street Twin into storage. I hope that your winter is blessedly short and that you can get back out on your bike soon--along with being able to take some riding classes. Happy New Year!
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