I'm based in Glastonbury ( UK ) and ride a Sprint 955i. I have a query concerning lights and MOTs. Last year I swapped the standard headlight relays for ones that give me both lights when dipped instead of just one. Question is : will this pass the MOT and if not is there a way to temporarily disable it rather than reinstalling the old relays ? any help appreciated. P.S I am a complete plank as far as electrics are concerned so stupid simple would be good
Welcome back to the forum, Basshead! I can't answer your question for you but bet that someone--or several someones--on the forum will be able to help you solve your dilemma.
Welcome back! Is that "Basshead" as in the fish or "Basshead" as in the most badass musical instrument ever created?
Thankyou for that Joe, I'll get it booked in and thankyou all for the welcomes. And that would be the latter jtC. All Hail Geddy Lee the many fingered God of Dexterity.