Will 1050 Bars Fit A Sprint St 955i?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kay Pee, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. Kay Pee

    Kay Pee New Member

    May 28, 2020
    Belfast, Northern Ireland
    Hi all,

    I've had my 2000 Sprint ST 955i for a few years now and still loving the bike.

    Sadly in the recent storm, the cover decided to act like a sail and pulled the bike over while I was out o_O

    The side fairing is badly cracked, and also the soft Aluminium bar on the right (brake side) is bent at the yoke end - looking at replacements and wondering if there are other bars such as the 1050 ones that might give a little more height, and fit without much adaption?

    My bike has risers fitted which I'm not totally happy with, as the bars don't have a solid mount onto the yokes. But I'm a short ass who needs the risers..... :joy:


  2. Foxy1

    Foxy1 Crème de la Crème

    Aug 31, 2018
    Hi Kay Pee, sorry to hear about/see your damage. I don't know if 1050 bars will fit yours, but if it helps, mine (Rizomas) are fatter int middle, where they clamp, than they are where t'grips fit. Does that make sense?
  3. D'Ecosse

    D'Ecosse Senior Member

    Jun 23, 2019
    CA, USA
    No, the Sprint mounting is completely different
    The Sprint 'bars' are really clip-ons (onto the forks) although they also bolt to the top clamp.
    Even the most casual look should surely show there is no way a std handlebar is going to mount to a Sprint
    You would need a complete after-market yoke conversion kit (and specific to your Sprint model the triple clamp from neither a 995 nor 1050 speed triple will fit your Sprint forks.
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  4. Kay Pee

    Kay Pee New Member

    May 28, 2020
    Belfast, Northern Ireland
    Yeah, they do seem to primarily mount to the forks, and the 'clip on' bolts onto the top piece just bent with ground impact.

    I dislike the risers I have as there's not much fork tube protruding to clamp onto, which seems to be the main source of strength for the bars.

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