Saying Goodbye

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by joe mc donald, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Just want to say a sad farewell. You are the greatest group and i have loved every one of you. Do Stay safe and look after your self's and Families. You all are a terrific group and this forum has been a light to me. Even a few of you have helped me more than i could ever wish for and for that i stay in your debt. By the time this goes out i will have contacted Rob to say Farewell.
    God Bless And Keep You All
    Joe & Family.:tired_face::broken_heart:
    • Love You Love You x 20
  2. Iamtheonlyone

    Iamtheonlyone Senior Member

    Jul 23, 2019
    The North
    5 years 44 weeks. That's a lot to throw away.
    • Agree Agree x 7
  3. TEZ 217

    TEZ 217 Crème de la Crème

    Mar 6, 2016
    south shields
    #3 TEZ 217, Nov 2, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2020
    Sad News indeed :mad:, I for one will be very sorry to lose your input Joe which was always delivered in a friendly, helpful and always understanding way, your leaving is going to be a big hit on TTF,
    All the best Joe :cool:

    waiting on Rob, as Smilinjack says you may be here a while yet marra - Time maybe to reconsider mate. :cool:
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  4. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Wishing you well @joe mc donald, I have enjoyed your love of bikes and especially Triumphs, and your special caring nature.
    Your leaving is a litmus test of the current banter, not ride related. You will be missed
    • Agree Agree x 11
  5. Thripster

    Thripster Elite Member

    Feb 21, 2020
    Northampton, UK
    Don't go Joe. I turned up here innocently a few days ago and didn't like what I saw. I forced myself to give it a few days and put it down to alcohol/Covid boredom/late nights/preparing chilli without washing hands properly afterwards or some other, undefined reason. I very nearly made the same decision as you. And am still thinking about it. But to leave would deny yourself contact with some genuinely 'nice' and friendly people with a wealth of enriching stories to tell. As with any social group, sometimes the willy gets trapped in the mangle but it will unwind itself over time. If not, then we know what to do........ don't we?
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  6. TEZ 217

    TEZ 217 Crème de la Crème

    Mar 6, 2016
    south shields
    What a great use of words !!! I completely agree Dartplayer well said marra,
    These words should be a great indicator to all other members on here, sometimes remarks, replies although sometimes meant as banter, flippant remarks meant not to always offend can be seen and felt sometimes as very acidic indeed.
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  7. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    Don’t go @joe mc donald :(
    I remember lurking a few years ago before joining the forum and it was the friendliness and banter of people like your good self that drew me in :)
    This is the only forum I’ve ever been on and I don’t want it to go down the pan:(
    Please take a break Joe and come back after a couple of weeks :)
    If then you still feel that it’s not for you then I wish you all the best for the future mate :heart:
    • Agree Agree x 16
  8. TEZ 217

    TEZ 217 Crème de la Crème

    Mar 6, 2016
    south shields
    EEEeee you always said it was me that drew you in :heart::heart: :p:p:D
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  9. Lou160487

    Lou160487 Senior Member

    Jun 16, 2020
    Florida U.S.A
    We're gonna lose another one of the good guys. Stick around Joe. I'll wear pants when I'm on the forum from now on. Promise.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  10. Oldfart

    Oldfart Senior Member

    Oct 25, 2019
    Staffs Moorlands
    I've always respected your views and input to this forum so I'm extremely disappointed that you feel the need to come to this decision. Why not take a break from this for a short period, then lurk awhile to see how things develop?

    Whatever your choice may be, thanks, all the best in all you do and stay safe and well.

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  11. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    Joe, you know how I feel about this. I regard you as one of the forum’s shining lights and I really do hope that you reconsider. Such a kind and even-handed man, it would be a very sad loss.
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  12. ChasChas

    ChasChas Marxist Scum

    Aug 9, 2020
    @joe mc donald I'd simply rather you stayed. Take some time out maybe.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  13. Chubzilla

    Chubzilla Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
    Black country
    Not sure what's gone on as not been on much over last few days.
    I've only been here a few weeks but yiu have been really friendly, had a good laugh and instantly made me feel part of the forum among plenty others.

    Sounds like you will be missed by people that have known you years and new faces.

    Good luck bud.
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  14. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    I am shocked and saddened by Joe's sudden departure. What the hell happened??? I guess we'll never know, but I for one am so disappointed. As others have said, Joe, keep looking in and when you are ready to come back we will be ready to welcome you back with open arms.
    In the meantime, you will be sorely missed.
    Come back when you feel the time is right, and hopefully that will be sooner rather than later.
    Until then, stay safe and stay well, Joe. Best wishes to you and your family.
    • Agree Agree x 11
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  15. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    It's all been said @joe mc donald
    Take a break don't give up on us:)
    Plenty of good people on here who love bikes the same as you
    Some recent posts and arguments got out of hand because text is black and white no feeling or empathy:(
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  16. Don the Don

    Don the Don Bigger Than The Average Bear

    Nov 5, 2019
    @joe mc donald Its a sad day indeed mate, sorry you feel you must go but all the very best to you and your family, Ride safe old friend
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  17. pistonbroke

    pistonbroke Senior Member

    Aug 10, 2020
    I don’t know you joe and you don’t know me but your content is clearly well respected. I’ve not been here long so how about staying a while longer to show us newbies the ropes? :yum
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  18. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    #18 Sandi T, Nov 2, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    @joe mc donald
    I'm replying to you, Joe, while quoting dilli's post because it really sums up how I feel, too. Well, all except for the lurking part. I'm no "lurker". ;):joy:

    When I first joined the forum, Joe, you were one of the guys that truly made me feel involved and a part of the family. :) I don't know if you remember this, but you had posted some photos of a bike night rideout and I wanted to know what "bacon butties" were. After that conversation I was hooked and have grown to love this forum and many on here including you.

    To me you've been one of the cornerstones of this family with always a kind word, a helpful attitude and generous spirit, and a willingness to share your experiences, knowledge, and even motorcycle parts. I am incredibly sad to see you go and do hope that you reconsider. I think it's a sad statement about what has been happening on here more recently when someone such as yourself makes a decision to depart. And as I've said in another thread, I think this should lead us--perhaps inspire us--to take a good hard look ourselves as a community.

    As dilli has said, I hope that you'll consider taking a break for a few weeks and then come back. But if not, I wish you all the best for the future and I wish you and your family much happiness. I shall miss your presence on the forum dearly, Joe. :heart: :kissing_heart:
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  19. Gladtobebackontwowheels

    Nov 23, 2019
    Dover. UK
    We're all assuming that Joe has got the hump with the forum and left but he never actually said that was the case. He does seem like a really good hearted soul and all round good egg so I do hope he reconsiders. :(
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  20. Repooh

    Repooh Rarely Satisfied

    Jan 5, 2018
    Stabby Town
    #20 Repooh, Nov 3, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
    I'm not going to blow smoke up your bum Joe, you're an upright chap along with many others. I'm sure many people are no longer visiting this once great place, which, is a shame but to be expected given the childish, narcissistic, egotistical behavior of some. It may well settle down, but will forever be changed.

    Some say if you don't like it don't read the thread, but, it's the attitude and tone of every thread that creates the culture and camaraderie. If one person farts in a lift all of those present get the bad smell (I just made that up, good eh)

    Do what you need to do, but as the numbers of people urging you to stay should remind you there are more good people on here than twats (present company excluded of course)

    As someone who participates in several forums and groups, I can say hand on heart every single one has at times imploded by those who want to be heard, even though they have nothing to say; The endemic problem with social media.

    Good luck whatever you do...
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