Triumph To Cut 240 Uk Jobs Due To Covid

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SleepyOwl, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. Samsgrandad

    Samsgrandad Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2019
    Brazil is a special case, Triumph also supply bikes in kit form to be assembled in Brazil to avoid huge import tariffs
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  2. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Unfortunately Mr. Fillingham seems to suffering himself. During the lockdown he decided to become a "market analyst" and has been keeping his channel live with a combo of widely available news, conjecture and padded out repeat vids.

    I do believe that Triumph mgt have made a big error of judgement in moving 95% of bike production abroad but the talk of parts coming from all round the world is what every manufacture of everything does nowadays and has been so so more that 50 years in the car mfring world.

    The reason why Triumph might fail is that their products - in my opinion - have just got too expensive, especially when it is so easy to compare price and value between Triumph and Royal Enfield. And we should bare in mind RE is a BIG manufacturing force making overt 1 million bikes per annum. Trium at 60,000 - small potatoes and easily absorbed.

    Also Triumph perceived quality just isn't there by comparison to 10 years ago, and they don't react to customer concerns with any apparent care or interest.
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  3. dilligaf

    dilligaf Guest

    RE don’t make a Rocket :p
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  4. dreitopf

    dreitopf Active Member

    Feb 27, 2020
    It was (sorry) new for me..a BMW produktion in Brasil. But....Brasil bikes are made from complete sets made in berlin, same in Thailand and these bikes are for the south-america and southeast asia market. China....built the one cylinder motors for alle bikes. Rotax is building the 2 zylinder 800cc engine and in india there is no bmw plant, only a cooperation with india to built small maXIMUM 250CC bikes for the indian and asian market.
    So the major produktion is in Berlin and in brasil, Thailand etc is only montage with sets made in germany.
    Please excuse my bad english...hope you can read my words without heart attacks.
    Read more here:
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  5. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Your english is far better than my german mate :heart:
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  6. dreitopf

    dreitopf Active Member

    Feb 27, 2020
    Thank good old teacher was POW in scotland...workig on a farm and told us always..this was the best time in my life!
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  7. Fatsonion

    Fatsonion New Member

    Aug 21, 2019
    St. Petersburg fl.
    First off, I don’t want to see anyone lose their job. But if anybody has to go, it should be the knuckleheads that designed the front wheel and brake assembly on the speedtwin. They won’t be missed.
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  8. Jet City

    Jet City Noble Member

    Sep 24, 2018
    Seattle, Washington USA
    Fatsonion, that is some funny stuff

    Although they say much truth is said in jest :grinning:
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