2019 Speed Rs Oil Plug Crush Washer Size

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by TripleNo1, Mar 13, 2019.

  1. TripleNo1

    TripleNo1 Member

    May 27, 2018
    anyone done an oil change on the 2019 Speed Triple (RS) and know the oil plug crush washer size? Is it an M14 like the Daytona's by any chance?
  2. Yorkshireman

    Yorkshireman Crème de la Crème

    Dec 12, 2015
    I would expect so, Triumph changed a lot of internal parts in those motors but the sump plug will be the same.
  3. Arno triple

    Arno triple Senior Member

    Aug 26, 2018
    Uhm... please be carefullwith oil change. If i’m Not mistaken, there’s a “trick” to prevent air bubble getting trapped causing problems with oil circulation.

    Had a printscreen on my laptop, see attached. Found it somewhere online.
    It seems you have to fill th engine up with oil, BEFORE you install a new filter.

    I'll go to the dealer, just to be safe...


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  4. TripleNo1

    TripleNo1 Member

    May 27, 2018
    Thanks for the heads up. Looks like the only difference in procedure is to fill the sump with oil before attaching the new filter.

    I confirmed the plug washer is 14.4x23x3 (same as Daytona 675), for any one who needs it.

    Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 10.37.55 PM.png
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  5. SteveRS

    SteveRS First Class Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    British Columbia
    I did an oil change following the new process with no issues. It did seem a little strange adding oil without the filter installed, but not a drop of oil was spilled :oops:. After the oil change I started the engine and the oil light went out after just a few seconds, which means everything went as it should. I changed the oil after 100 km’s. Will do another after 400 km’s then at 800km’s. All of these will be non-synthetic oil as well. Then probably after about 3000km’s I’ll switch to a full synthetic oil. There is something therapeutic about performing an oil change to your bike.
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  6. epikxncbdasdsadas

    epikxncbdasdsadas New Member

    Apr 8, 2019
    in the world
    Hi, how much oil is required for an oil+filter change? i'm gonna change oil soon, i did the last service 1000km ago and i needed to top up the oil (filled 600ml) i'm afraid that the dealer poured only 3.2 liters, i found online that it takes 3.8liters, you confirm that?
    i have a 2019 speed triple rs 1050 aswell
  7. SteveRS

    SteveRS First Class Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    British Columbia
    I put about 3.2 litres in, then checked the level and topped up a little, started the engine to warm up and ended up putting in about 3.7 litres. Make sure you follow the new process and start with only 3.2.
  8. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    If this is filled to a dipstick check whether the stick is hovered over the hole or screwed in?
    My 765 has the stick screwed home and the supplying dealer sent it with 190 ml too much in due to this.
    A quick syringe off of the excess soon sorted it.
  9. SteveRS

    SteveRS First Class Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    British Columbia
    Stick has to be screwed all the way in. Check with bike up right, not on side stand. With the bike on its side stand I clean the stick then screw it home. Then get on the bike and hold it straight up right for 10 or 15 seconds. After that gently return it to its side stand and check the oil.
  10. DiNO

    DiNO New Member

    Apr 3, 2019
    South Gloucestershire
    So, I'm building up confidence to change the oil and filter myself with this new procedure, and have gathered the right part numbers for filter, sump plug washer, and wrench (nicely confirmed above - thanks).
    I hope nobody has had any air lock problems following this...

    Just 2 things I'd like clarification on please before I begin;

    The manual cites semi or completely synthetic oil - I know Fowlers in Bristol use semi but is there a preferred choice on this forum? (and why...)

    Also, there is no mention of topping up the new filter with oil before fitting - is this a necessary part of this new procedure or just accepted as good practice ?
  11. Callumity

    Callumity Elite Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Nr Biggar
    You need to separate ‘how well a lubricant works’ from ‘how long it works for’. Fully synthetics last longer and are most heat resistant to molecular breakdown.

    We tend to mollycoddle our bikes and change oil and filters at low annual mileages at which a cheaper semi-synthetic would be just as good a lubricant. You choose......
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  12. Nixter

    Nixter Well-Known Member

    It is an easy oil change. I was a little nervous filling it for the first time without the filter, but it works.
    Also for anyone interested in a magnetic drain plug, the part number for GoldPlug is MP-02T and the correct 14mm crush washer is their part number SW-02.
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  13. SteveRS

    SteveRS First Class Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    British Columbia
    Thanks for that. I just had a look on their website and there is nothing listed for 2017 and up for our bikes, but the 2016 plug obviously is the same size. Did you check with them or the dealer just to be sure?
  14. DiNO

    DiNO New Member

    Apr 3, 2019
    South Gloucestershire
    #14 DiNO, May 24, 2020
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
    Thanks Nixter. That's good to know.

    Any takers on pre-filling the Oil Filter ...

    Oh, and does anyone know the size of the Oil Filter Wrench I need?
  15. Nixter

    Nixter Well-Known Member

    I read somewhere not to, but that goes against everything I’ve ever known. I pre filled/primed it with no problems. There is no good reason not to, the filter is vertical, so you shouldn’t spill any.
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  16. DiNO

    DiNO New Member

    Apr 3, 2019
    South Gloucestershire
    Thanks, super.

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