Featured Best Phone Mount - Quadlock V Sp Connect

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by David_RS, Sep 22, 2019.

  1. David_RS

    David_RS Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
    Hello All,

    I am not a fan of the Ram Mount system (particularly the ugly x mount version) and have purchased both the QuadLock and SP Connect mounts recently. I thought it might be useful for some to hear the pros and cons of each.

    Both systems are quite similar. You purchase a case specific to your phone, and then fit a mount to your motorcycle that the case clicks into. To my eyes these types of systems look the best, and with the modern phones all being water resistant there is no need to have a water resistant outer case anymore (although both manufacturers offer a rain cover).


    I purchased the Quadlock case plus motorcycle mount for my previous bike (Aprilia Dorsoduro 1200). I loved the convenience of just clipping the phone to the bike in seconds, and my OCD also liked being able to switch the blue release arm to red to match my bike.

    My mount did suffer a failure of the central plastic section - but in fairness to QuadLock they replaced very quickly under warranty.

    I also liked that I could get a car mount (and a bicycle mount) so my phone was always secure and conveniently located no matter how I was getting around.

    SP Connect

    When my Speed Triple RS arrived I fully intended to move my Quadlock mount over to the new bike. However, I couldn't find a location I was happy with.

    There isn't really a straight section of bar near the clamp, so while it fits there the angle is a little awkward. I did find I could mount it near the right grip (in Singapore we have a mandatory [and ugly] road pricing unit which I have near the left bar). This location was ok, but I didn't like that the phone caught the full force of the airflow, and I wasn't a fan aesthetically of the outcome.

    A friend recommend SP Connect (I hadn't even heard of them) and I ordered one immediately. The basic system is very similar to Quadlock, but with two main advantages.

    1) They offer two additional mounting options that Quadlock do not - a stem mount for sports bikes and a handlebar clamp mount that I purchased.

    2) They offer a wireless charging option suitable for motorcycles (Quadlock have a wireless charger, but it isn't for motorcycle use).

    Both manufactures offer bar and mirror mounts that should work for most people/motorcycles. They also both offer a car mount which I find really handy.

    Both Quadlock and SP Connect offer cases that are functional, if a little uninspiring. Both have a bit of a hump on the back, but that has never really bothered me. Both seem to offer similar levels of drop protection.

    Other than the greater choice of options from SP Connect, I would also say that the SP mount and case that I have do feel a little better made than the Quadlock version. The difference isn't night and day, but it is noticeable.

    All in all, I am very pleased with my SP Connect set up. My phone is centrally mounted, with some protection from the elements, and the wireless charging function is a great bonus (especially on longer trips when google maps is rinsing through your battery).

    I could easily recommend either, but the SP option has worked out best for me.


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  2. OsteKuste

    OsteKuste Intergalactic Warlord

    Oct 22, 2017
    Tennessee, United States
    I’ve used a Quadlock in my motorcycle and mountain bike for several years, and they’ve been good so far. My mountain bike has no suspension so it gets thrashed prettty hard and I’ve never knocked my phone loose. Thanks for the info on an alternate, though.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Flashp

    Flashp Noble Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    Wasn't aware of SP, thanks for the post :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Nicholaj

    Nicholaj Noble Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Stavanger, Norway
    Great review, thanks :blush: But I’m curious, what is it that you don’t like about the Ram system, other that you find it ugly?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. cinnabull

    cinnabull Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    Here and There
    Hi David,
    could you show which mount you used please, without the phone on. I have a SP Connect bar mount but am struggling to get the phone flat and central like yours, would like to see how its done, any pics re the mounting position etc most appreciated,


    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. David_RS

    David_RS Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
    I guess everything is personal, and maybe I would be converted if I used one properly. They just seem really clunky, and I don't like how the X style clamps press the side buttons on my phone (during my brief use when I borrowed a mates bike). I also don't need the double ball adjustment, so the arm (between the balls) seems overkill. I guess I don't need the range of adjustment, and don't like how the hardware looks - pic attached, but maybe RAM offer others I'm not aware of. I do know how popular they are, so maybe I'm the one missing something.

    Lastly, all the latest phones are water resistant anyway, so I really like how the slim case (from Quad or SP) is all you really need. To my eyes it looks neat whether I use my phone or not.

    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. David_RS

    David_RS Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
    #7 David_RS, May 11, 2020
    Last edited: May 11, 2020
    Hi Stuart. Lockdown in Singapore means I shouldn't be messing with my bike in the communal basement - but I will try to explain.

    I have the 'Bar Clamp' mount - pic below. When I first got my Speed Triple, my first thought was to reuse my existing QuadLock mount (that attached to the bar).

    However, I quickly realised that there isn't a section of 'flat' bar anywhere. As the bar comes out the clamp is almost immediately bends, and it then only really offers a suitable mounting spot near the grip - not what I wanted.

    Consequently I decided to buy the SP Connect Bar Clamp mount - but other manufactures offer similar set ups. I removed the lower right clamp bolt, and attached the mount with one of the longer bolts supplied in the kit.

    The reason you can't see the mount is because I have the wireless charger pad fitted - but you could obviously put the phone straight onto the mount without the charger. In my picture, you can just see the edge of the mount below the cable.

    If you wanted the exact same setup, you would need the following from SP Connect....

    Bar clamp mount (pic below)
    Wireless charging pad
    Case for your phone

    I ran the cable to the socket under the seat and took switched power from there.

    There is now a 'Bar Clamp Pro Mount' with more adjustment, but this wasn't available when I ordered mine, so I have the plane old 'Bar Clamp Mount'

    Let me know if this all makes sense. If not I will pull the charger off and take a picture when no one is around!


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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. cinnabull

    cinnabull Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    Here and There
    Yeah I get it Dave. I got the Moto Bundle, but like you say, the bars aren't flat anywhere you want them to be. You only realise this once you have tried it. I've contacted SP and am awaiting a reply, hopefully I can swap it.

    thanks for the info, most appreciated,

  9. Tom Lowell

    Tom Lowell New Member

    May 19, 2020
    Thanks for this review. It helped with my own purchase decision. I bought 2 Moto SP Connects. They appear to be really well made.
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  10. Koombz

    Koombz New Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Hi David,
    Thanks for your post it’s been really helpful. I was just wondering do you feel that the standard bar mount you have is sufficient or would you rather have ‘pro’ one with the adjustment? It looks from your photo that it already has a little angle on it and it looks more sturdy than the alternative (especially with the charger). Also are you happy with the charger? Planning on ordering ASAP and hoping you could assist. Thanks again.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. cinnabull

    cinnabull Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    Here and There
    A quick update guys, I have returned the Moto Mount Pro and am awaiting a Bar Clamp Mount Pro in exchange. Will try it and post pics when it gets here.

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  12. johne

    johne Standing on the shoulders of dwarves.

    Jan 16, 2020
    Where the Wolds meet the sea
    I've been given a Quad lock housing for my Samsung phone for nothing. The Quad lock motorcycle clamp is about £40 to buy, which seems quite a lot to me. I usually put the phone in my jacket pocket, switch the Bluetooth on and link it to the Uclear intercom I have in my helmet. Is there any advantages to having the phone on the handlebars? I'm long sighted, so whilst I ride the bike without glasses on, I can't read what's on my phone screen without using them
  13. cinnabull

    cinnabull Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
    Here and There
    I want to use it as a sat nav using Waze, as this app warns you of speed cams an other hazards etc up ahead. If you cant actually see your phone then I guess theres no point in having a mount. The mounts aren’t cheap, but then again quality never is, its all relative I suppose. I also wear glasses under my lid, varifocals so I can see long distances but also stuff close, ie my phone. Just wondering, if you cant see tour phone how do you read your dash?

  14. johne

    johne Standing on the shoulders of dwarves.

    Jan 16, 2020
    Where the Wolds meet the sea
    Its a good point Stuart. I tend to ride on bright sunny days only and rarely (if ever) ride at night now. I can see the speedo OK and the tacho, but to be honest I can't really read the LCD section on my bike (900 Thruxton) which shows the trip meter, odo etc. I have varifocals too and I might give wearing them under my helmet a try and see how I get on.
    • Like Like x 2
  15. David_RS

    David_RS Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2019
    Sorry buddy - only just saw this.

    If I was doing it again, I would go for the PRO version with extra adjustment.

    As it stands with mine, my phone isn’t perfectly central and I would like it a little further forward.

    However, this is a relatively minor improvement, and I would hope you’d be happy with either.

    Let us know how you get on!
  16. Phil Best

    Phil Best New Member

    Jul 5, 2020
    Hi Dave & all,

    thanks for the review, I have just bought the 2019 speed triple and came across your review while searching for a phone mount. I’ve just bought the bar clamp mount pro. Just a note if anyone is looking to buy this, when you search the SP Mount site it doesn’t show the pro version for some reason. But if you type in bar clamp mount pro In the search bar it comes up. It’s £10 more in the uk, but worth it I think if it gives that bit extra adjustment. Thanks again for the input, it helped make my mind up, looking forward to it arriving and fitting to my bike, Will post a photo once fitted if anyone wants to see how it fits and looks, all the best, Phil
    • Like Like x 1
  17. capt

    capt Elite Member

    May 8, 2016
    western Australia
    #17 capt, Jul 6, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2020
    I have the best phone mount of them all !

    My jacket pocket ! If I want to use "maps" or navigation I blue tooth to my Nolan helmets com's system!!

    Here in Australia it is illegal to have your phone in use whilst driving , if it's drawing your attention from the drive/road !!

    Whey would you want your phone mounted in the way of your speedometer or tachometer ?? I go for the ride ! And getting lost is part of the ride !! If you really don't want to get lost , there are many options. A guide ! Research before the ride ! Stop more often and read a map , or shock and horror talk to a LOCAL ! I have had my pillion navigate ! SWMBO isn't the best map reader/navigator , but beats the hell out of the distraction of my zphone on the bars !!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Martin I

    Martin I Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2018
    I use a RAM mount, and actually really like it. I don’t use cases with my phones, so most other mounts are a no-go from the off. It’s possibly not the sexiest thing when mounted, but I can position it anywhere, so I can always see what I need.

    I’ve had it at 200kph naked, and still have my phone, so it works. I wasn’t aware of the quad lock and all that stuff when I got it here in Germany; it was the only one in the shop, and works well. I’d probably try something else if I ever needed to, but as I said, has to work without a case.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. GOT

    GOT Member

    Nov 21, 2018
    Torquay Australia
    Hi mate. can you show a pic of how you mounted to the handlebars? Biggest issue I see is the top bar mount on the RS restricting how you place the mount.
  20. GOT

    GOT Member

    Nov 21, 2018
    Torquay Australia

    you live in WA mate, there are only straight roads!

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