Swap boards for pegs.

Discussion in 'America, Speedmaster & Rocket' started by QuickSilver, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. QuickSilver

    QuickSilver New Member

    Oct 15, 2014
    Hi Everyone,

    I am brand new to the forum.

    My brother and I rented a couple of Americas in Chicago last month and spent 2 very happy weeks covering 3250 miles to the Grand Canyon and back east to Dallas.

    It was a brilliant trip and I fell in love with the bike so much that I have just bought myself a 2014 model.

    The only thing I am not totally sold on is the footboards that come as standard now. The bike I had in the States had pegs and even though we did a lot of miles I had no issue with them, or felt at any point that I would have preferred boards.

    I have looked into buying some pegs and removing the boards but Triumph want a huge amount of money for the bits I would need (namely the pegs themselves, the hangers and the different pedals), something like £350!

    I was wondering if there is anyone on the forum that has pegs but is interested in swapping for boards? Obviously since mine are brand new I would only consider swapping for some in "as new" condition. Presumably they would have to come off a recent year to ensure they fit?

    Let me know if anyone is interested. I would also welcome some opinions on peoples preference, and why did they switch to boards as standard?

  2. folkbloke

    folkbloke Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    I'd suggest persevering with the boards. It took me a while to get used to them but I wouldn't ride without boards now.

    I've found that the ability to move my feet/legs around on long journeys is a real boon.

    I'm not sure the boards are standard. I thought they were only on the LT but I haven't checked!
  3. Ian Jolly

    Ian Jolly New Member

    May 17, 2015
    I swapped boards for pegs im affraid, just could not get on with them. Boards now in loft not being used. May put them on ebay.
  4. Johnny-B

    Johnny-B New Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    Off a 2011 America I went to boards and would never go back to pegs, felt like my feet were sliding off the pegs. If your interested let me know.

  5. Big Dave

    Big Dave Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    North Yorkshire
    Alright Ian, dragging this thread back to the top as I'm just trawling eBay for some boards. Have you still got yours?


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