Hi folks, Just became a member, as I had bought myself a '99 Triumph Trophy back in September. It's been a joy to own so far, very comfortable and easy to ride. Hoping to get some good advice and information during my ownership. Thanks, Graeme
That made I larf!!!! Reasonable advice?? Here?? Whatever next??!! Nurse .... the screens!!! (If you are still there, Graeme, welcome!!)
Hello Graeme and welcome into the Triumph Playground - as you will have already noticed we are a studious and erudite lot on 'ere.
Welcome in Graeme all seem friendly on here and has put a smile on my face what goes on here, so if its advice your looking for no comment I have not had to call for HELP yet.
Hi Pete. Thanks for asking. The answer is more or less. My electronics mate took the igniter in to work and let one of his techies have a look and do a blind test, ie, he wasn't told what the fault was. Apparently he found exactly the same as me (0 Ohms across the same pins as I did and came up with the same answer that it should read either some Ohms or O/L but certainly not 0 Ohms) and his conclusion was when told what the pins were was "no bloody wonder it won't start, it doesn't know the engines turning over". So a replacement is on order along with a new cover gasket so I'll have to wait till after the Crimbo rush to get the bits delivered. It's not a big deal as it's given me a great excuse to keep out of the long haired generals way and more importantly time to have an clean up OCD style. Have a good Xmas and even better New Year