Soon to be back on 2 wheels.

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by T4bloke, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. T4bloke

    T4bloke New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Middle England
    Hi all.
    After a 15 year break, I've decided to get the bike I've always wanted after riding a mates Bonny back in 86. A Triumph!
    I will hopefully be treating myself to a Speed master for Christmas.
    Ive been looking at prices and good used ones are not that far away from new prices. So I'm tempted to go new and hopefully get a good price from a dealer.
    Any thoughts and hello all.
  2. Recycled Rocker

    Recycled Rocker Senior Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    North Yorkshire Cave
    Yo T4 welcome, ride one fer a day first, after a lay off, try all the Bonnie range if possible with test rides. Personally, good time to look fer one second hand, usual scources, MCN, Triumph forums, Ebay. Different ride characteristics, pillion positions, footrests, seat height, a used one may be already customised with extras, my Bonnie SE had over £2,000 extras already on. Good luck T4, try not to rush eh...:D:D
    • Like Like x 1
  3. steve lovatt

    steve lovatt Something else

    May 12, 2014
    North Yorkshire
    Hi and welcome to the forum
  4. crispey

    crispey crispey creme de la creme

    Nov 6, 2014
    Welcome in, as RR said look at different models and what can be done with them mods wise then if you decide to go new see what deals the dealers will give you in the way of extras especially.
  5. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Welcome to the Triumph playground T4 - ENJOY.

    I'm with Recycled Rocker too. Try all the Bonneville range before you buy, there are IMPORTANT differences - most notable being two different engines.
  6. Havit

    Havit Admin
    Staff Member Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
    Welcome back to bikes T4, I agree with the recycled Rocker as well. Dont rush, the choice will be wide during the winter with bargins to be had.
  7. T4bloke

    T4bloke New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Middle England
    Thanks for all the welcoming replies and advice. Firstly. I'm pretty much sold on the speed master style. And with prices of good low mileage used, I'm thinking of going new. Mods are already in the pipeline, as with all my bikes, cars and vans ( Yes its a Vw t4. Half ton. Well spotted) All have been modified. I used to be into chops, both hard and softail, streetfighters etc.
    The America is a bit too chromy for me and I would just take it all off and make a Speed master.
    I like the basic style and I know this plus the lines will complement the look I'm after once I get the angle grinder and socket set out. :)
    I've already enquired at the main dealers to see if we can change and alter a few bits. And I shall have the answers when I pop down the weekend.
    This will be my last bike and a keeper, so I want to make it exactly how I've got it in my head.
    Thanks again guys. I'm an old recycled rocker too. Starting off with an fs1e, rd250 then 400. Kh750, the list goes on as you can imagine.
    I will be on here on a regular basis, picking up tips and looking at mods others have done.
    I just need to get my mits on a bike now.
    Cheers all.
    • Like Like x 3
  8. Havit

    Havit Admin
    Staff Member Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
    #8 Havit, Sep 17, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
    Sounds like you know what you want T4 and I wish you all the best with your choice of The speed master. Finishing with a Triumph sounds like the perfect end to your bike buying days. I would guess most of the older guys on here have worked up through the cc ranks like yourself.i know I have. Glad your joining us on this forum.:)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. T4bloke

    T4bloke New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Middle England
    Thanks Wayne.
    Yes pretty much made up my mind.
    Like I've said its been years since Ive been active in the bike world. Family, work, mad cars etc. I never really looked at bikes and didn't even know what was on the market.
    Then a month or two back. An old mate sent me a pic of his new bike. It was a T bird Nightstorm.. I was gobsmacked at the beauty of it tbh. Fresh out the box. The last time I got a semi on about an oem machine was the vmax.
    He mentioned the speed master and said have a look. And that was it.. It ticks all my boxes. I'd love a storm but the cost and weight made it a no.
    So here we are.
    The strange bike tingle has arose again and I need my last bike.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Havit

    Havit Admin
    Staff Member Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
    As they say T4, Its in the blood, it never goes away just lays dormant for a while, I agree about the V max, Still like them now.although a bit aged.I think you have made a wise choice with the Speed Master they have that wow factor about them alright.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Bob Woolley

    Bob Woolley Member

    Sep 9, 2015
    Hi T4 and welcome, I am a newbie like yourself on here, also am ex forces. I was brought up with bikes most of my early life, got married had kids came out the forces in 1980 , bought a house and had to sell my lovely 1970 TR6 Trophy cos I had no money in those days, I never had a motor bike since.
    Now 35yrs later I have just bought myself a Bonny T100 and am loving it, my missis says I am having a crisis!
    Your right Wayne - "it is in the blood and it never goes away!"
    Hope you get your new bike soon T4 and enjoy it. :)
    • Like Like x 3
  12. T4bloke

    T4bloke New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Middle England
    Thanks Wayne.
    Yes, pretty much in the blood. I never bought a V Max or have ever ridden one. And I can't explain why. I still love the look and stance of them. Maybe one day. My bigger dream and want is the Triumph tho. :).

    Hi Bob.
    Thanks for the reply. Which arm? I'm ex Army myself. I used to do a lot of playing on the rubbish Can-ams we had. Fun over the bumps tho and easy to fix.
    Glad to see your back on a bike.
    I am presently on my fifth mid life crisis!! And I love them! Luckily I have no one to "discuss" them with :)
    So km pretty much having a ball. I'm away most weekends with ex squaddies mates in my camper.
    Life is good at the minute. A Speed master will just improve it.
    Enjoy the Bonny. Your riding every young boys dream bike in the 60s and 70s. It was certainly mine..
  13. Dodge74

    Dodge74 Active Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    hiya , welcome to the forum , I've got an America which is similar to the speedmaster , I've had mine for a year and done 11,000 miles on , gotta say I love it & have thought I ain't ever selling this bike , I love it too much . I'm suprised to hear you say that about the prices because I've seen a few decent ones around for £4.5 k , which was more than I bought mine for - 08 model with 9k on clock , but I suppose it depends how old you want to go etc etc . Anyhow , I've got nothing bad to say really apart from the engine is probably a little underpowered for long haul motorway work .
  14. Tigcraft

    Tigcraft Unheard of Member

    Mar 29, 2014
    Holmfirth West Yorkshire
    Hi T4
    I had the same thoughts on price when I bought my bonneville too. They seemed to start at £3k for 10-15 year old bikes, some even badly tarnished and totally over priced so for an extra £1500 I bought and 18 month old bonneville with running in mileage. It was a no brainer. I did wait for a bargain though! Enjoy our forum btw. Eric
  15. T4bloke

    T4bloke New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Middle England
    Hiya and thanks for the welcome. As its my last bike. I was looking at 2012 onwards. I'm in no rush though as I don't plan to buy until early in the new year. So who knows, if a good used bike comes up at the time at the right money. In what way do you feel the engine is underpowered on long motorway work?

    Hiya Tigcraft.
    I'm biding my time tbh, and plan on buying in the winter months. When prices are better and dealers are offering good deals on new bikes. It then gives me a few months to "personalise" the bike before the summer.
    I've done all weather biking and its no fun at times. So the bike will be fair weather only.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Bob Woolley

    Bob Woolley Member

    Sep 9, 2015
    Hi T4
    I'm an ex RAF engine fitter, worked on search and rescue choppers for my last 5yrs in the mob, we were always tinkering with bikes and cars in those days. I hope you find the right bike you should get a good deal in the winter months. Hope to see you back on the road soon.
  17. Dodge74

    Dodge74 Active Member

    Oct 16, 2014
  18. T4bloke

    T4bloke New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Middle England
    I know what you mean Dodge. I don't plan to ride intercontinental but.
    I have a few questions...
    On Saturday I popped down the local dealership as arranged to view a Speed master in the flesh.
    To be honest I was a tad underwhelmed!!
    It didn't help that
    A: The only speedie they had was a demo and filthy? And the staff didn't seem interested!
    B: I'd seen my mates nightstorm first and probably expected a slightly smaller version.
    The things I didn't like were.
    The forks were slim but on the America they were nice thick upside downies.
    I know the 2010 model speedies had upside down forks. When did they change to normal?
    The side panels are odd? One is a side panel. ( nice) One is the battery box? (Not nice)
    The rear light and indicators look as if the tech at Triumph remembered 5 minutes before the launch and just threw them on? Horrendous they are. ( They can be changed though)
    Things I liked.
    The riding position is superb for me.
    The look, the stance, the tank, the engine, the risers and bars, its a triumph!
    Now. Another question.
    I hear that a 1100 Bonny is being released early next year. Is there a larger Speedmaster in the line up??
  19. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    My contact told me that there will be the full range of Bonneville based models - including America and Speedie - with the larger engine.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. T4bloke

    T4bloke New Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Middle England
    I've seen the picture of the bobber. I agree. It doesn't look good with the sprung seat, the back end looks awful.

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