Help!! New Motorcycle Buyer Questions.

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by YOsH, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. YOsH

    YOsH Member

    Feb 2, 2019
    Hello I'm YOsH and I'm in the market for buying my first bike. The bike I plan on getting is a Daytona 675 2014 and I have a few questions regarding how to make the purchase safe on the ends of both parties.

    Unfortunately, this bike is in Florida and I'm way up North in Ohio. Me and the seller both are pretty much set on the price but the issue is actually getting the bike.

    How would I ensure that I don't get stiffed for my money if I plan on transporting the bike from the buyer without being there physically to get the bill of sale signed over to me? I forgot to mention the seller has a lien on the bike but he says he'll be able to sign the bill of sale over and when the title is issued have it sent directly to me.

    This all sounds good but how can I trust him not to just run off with about $7k of my hard earned dollars? Is there any escrow service that can be used? Perhaps I can send the money to the bank there with a cashier's check and they can hold it until I can verify everything is signed that should? Please help. I really want this bike and I welcome any feedback. Thanks.
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  2. Helmut Visor

    Helmut Visor Only dead fish go with the flow

    Oct 3, 2018
    Three Counties
    Howdy YOsH, and welcome in :cool::cool: I think this is a question for our friends your side of the pond ;);)
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  3. Tucker 1963

    Tucker 1963 Elite Member

    Sep 7, 2017
    _20181226_062012.jpg Tucker
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  4. mpllineman

    mpllineman First Class Member

    Feb 12, 2018
    Good morning and welcome in. Where did you learn about this bike? Craigslist, ebay, etc.? There are any number of shippers available to use that even specialize in motorcycles, so that is not the biggest part to be solved. I completely agree that another trustworthy 3rd party will HAVE to be involved. Any reputable seller, with ebay, cycletrader, etc., will be bound by their respected company's regulations. The responsibilities, both buyer's and seller's should be covered by laws.

    Good luck!
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  5. Rich Bryce

    Rich Bryce Dead Eye Dick

    Sep 18, 2015
    Welcome aboard Yosh. Enjoy the ride when you take delivery buddy.
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  6. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Welcome to the Family. We will need a picture of the Steed to calm us while Nursey administers the meds.
    Ride Safe
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  7. YOsH

    YOsH Member

    Feb 2, 2019
    He just recently suggested that a lawyer could be retained with a legally binding contract that will ensure that both parties are required to have the signatures notarized on both ends then only after the money is sent and the bill of sale is signed will they be released to both parties. Sound better?

    Gotcha lol
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  8. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Good luck confirming the bike, then get it transported and enjoy.....
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  9. Helmut Visor

    Helmut Visor Only dead fish go with the flow

    Oct 3, 2018
    Three Counties
    Sounds like a legit guy :cool::cool:
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  10. Tiglet

    Tiglet Vintage Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    Hello YOsH and welcome to the forum :)

    I guess your buying this bike unseen,,,good luck.
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  11. YOsH

    YOsH Member

    Feb 2, 2019
    Thanks I was thinking of using the Uship website to find a good transport price.

    I hope lol I want this bike as soon as possible it's a 2014 Daytona 675 with only 3000 miles on it :D

    Yeah, not exactly favorable conditions for my first bike purchase but these bike are super rare to find and there aren't any in my area that I'm interested in.
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  12. Tiglet

    Tiglet Vintage Member

    Mar 28, 2016
    Yeah there’s a huge element of risk in buying unseen especially when your spending a few $grand.
    Hope it works out OK for you :)
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  13. Ken walburn

    Ken walburn Noble Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    Are you mad? Send me the money & I’ll send you my push bike! Get your butt down there or walk away is my advice.
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  14. darkman

    darkman Crème de la Crème

    Oct 26, 2015
    Southcoast of the UK Earth
    Take a flight or bus and ride back is the only way i would hand over cash to a stranger.
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  15. Tjalon

    Tjalon Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2019
    Washington, USA
    I end up investigating a bit of fraud in my line of work. Fly down and do the deal in person or I forsee a police report in your near future.
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  16. Vulpes

    Vulpes Confused Member

    Mar 14, 2018
    Hi and welcome.
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  17. Judd Dredd

    Judd Dredd Giver of Drugs, Vaccines and Hard Truths

    Jan 13, 2019
    here and there
    Hello and welcome my American brother
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  18. Dale

    Dale Member

    Feb 12, 2018
    Hey there YOsH, having acquired several m/c's from distance sellers/traders, I would NEVER do it without seeing, hearing & doing the walk around in person. The best way is when both parties are commited & agree on a 1/2 way point (Chattanoga, Atlanta?) If the seller is unwilling then I'd be wary.
    OR, you fly & ride (maybe not since you're a new rider) the bike back.
    OR probably the 2nd best solution is to drive & trlr/truck it back.
    Or if you know someone in the sellers area you trust who's bike savvy or better yet perhaps one of this forum members who would be willing to check out the bike/seller for you.
    66 bikes in 53 years & I've done it each of these ways some several times.
    Finally, I strongly advise against sending $ with crossed fingers.
    Welcome & best of luck to you
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  19. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Hi and welcome YOsh, good luck with your purchase, looking forward to the pix, happy riding
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  20. Dave C

    Dave C Elite Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    North Dorset
    Welcome aboard YOsh, hope you enjoy the forum, I've bought my last two bikes long distance, including my current Speed triple, I was lucky enough to find an ex main dealer who now does bike transportation, he's checked them over thoroughly before paying the seller with the cash I'd transfered to his account, which he will only do once he's satisfied the bike is spot on, he has then brought the bikes to my home address, I found this guy online with fantastic feedback and wondered if you could find someone of the same ilk on your side of the pond, good luck YOsh and hope all goes well.
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