Electrexworld regulator rectifier upgrade

Discussion in 'Daytona' started by Paul1988, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Paul1988

    Paul1988 Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    Has anyone ever fitted the electrexworld RR881 regulator rectifier to their daytona? The say it's an upgraded part, but the original part has 3 yellow cables going to the windings, and 2 black & 2 red cables. The new part only has 1 red & 1 black, and when iv checked the wiring diargam it doesnt look like something i want to splice together as it runs to ignition and lighting and stuff, emailed elextrexworld for tech help but no reply, any thoughts?
  2. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    I'd be inclined to give them a ring with your problem if at all possible. I've spoken to them myself in the past and they did seem willing to help, though it was about 5 years ago.
    Electrics are a bit of a mystery to me!:confused::confused:
  3. t552

    t552 Senior Member

    Nov 17, 2014
    Bristol UK
    Do you have a problem? I think yours was fitted with the mosfet type with the plug connectors to the RR.
    If not I would fit that RR
  4. Paul1988

    Paul1988 Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    Cheers for the replys, aye it's the mosfet unit, contacted manufacturer and it turns out the old unit passed the power through the loom to the battery, and the new part bypasses the loom and heads straight to the battery, not had the chance to fit her yet, but tomorrow's the day, I'll post how I get on
  5. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    I have spoken to these guys and they were very helpful.
    Bypassing the loom eliminates some associated problems and should be more reliable.
    Look them up on YouTube as they have clips there on installing them and watch Delboys Garage on soldering
    Combine the two and happy times.
  6. Paul1988

    Paul1988 Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    Ok, been a long time coming I know, but what can I say, got her fixed and been enjoying every free minute since.
    So, new reg.rectifier is a success, youl need to resite it, my recommendation is go onto ebay and seach for 3 pin auto connectors, youl find one for about 60p that fits the existing connection from the stator under the tank. Get some new cable and make up connector and route cable to where you want to site the new R/R.
    I went for under there slim tray behind the batter box, ran the new cables past the battery and into the slim box behind, making up new connector form the R/R. Used a 20mm hole cutter and cored a hole right in the arse of the slim box, putting in a gromit to keep it clean, then took a small pincer driver and removed the spades from the premade connector on the R/R side, slupped cables through hole, replugging into connector and connected all up. Remember to apply a little solder to your connections.
    I used the original bracket for mounting , bending to suit the bottom of the rear box and touching up with hammerite paint.
    I'll add a few picks when I get a minute and hopefully this writeup will make more sense, but for now theres another guinness waiting.
    Hope this helps someone at some point.
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