Well what an interesting conundrum to be in, I have a few days booked off work so have 11 days, after todays shift, to go and wander and just please myself. First thing to puzzle is which bike to take, 765RS or StreetTwin 900? Rip around and become Rossi for a few days Or Steady plod and enjoy the ride Although last nights weather doesn't look great, I have good gear and a decent down sleeping bag so no problem
In your shoes I'd probably take the RS. You don't have to ride it balls out of course but you're almost certainly going to end up on some great roads where the ST will be found lacking and you'll be thinking, 'if only......". If I was going it'd be on the ZZR, not the Scrambler, as much as I love it and as good a ride as it is. Forecast from the weekend onwards looks good with climbing temperatures.
What's the saying @Pegscraper ..... A man with one clock knows the time, but a man with two isn't so sure Eene meany miny mo ( no idea how to spell any of that )
Umm, been nice and sunny all day until 5 minutes to hometime. Weather forecast now is 13⁰C rain according to my phone, but... the view through the door says different, hailstone
Probably going to run this thread a day late as that seems to work best for content and signal. On my way up last night, Piercebridge. I stayed here with the wife only a few weeks ago but tonight I'm just passing.
Should've posted this first, a couple of miles from the start. @Markus you get the prize, heated grips and off road ability won me over to choose the StreetTwin.
So last night I'm about 160 mile from home, its dark, its cold and I can't find a suitable spot for a tent without upsetting a farmer. Really, how hard can it be to find a patch of grass, water nearby and a suitable parking spot tucked away, sometimes very It's now after 23.00 so I decide that the car park next to a reservoir had to do as being mindful that I needed some sleep to not adversely affect tomorrow. Picture the scene.... biker putting a tent up by headtorch and this old Skoda Octavia comes racing around the corner. He skids on gravel stopping only just 6' away Here we go! Guy jumps out of drivers seat and comes bounding over. " Alright?" I say. He says I was going to ask you the same. " well I would be if I could find a suitable camp spot with a bit of water?" I know a great spot, only 5 miles away, do you want me to show you? Err, what about my tent half erected? Aye no bother shove it in the back of my car. Oh f#ck it, what's to lose!!! Well he wasn't quite Colin Mcrae, although I never saw him drive an Octavia estate in the dark on narrow country lanes, but I was glad I had put that TEC cam in especially with my tent at stake And so to bed just after midnight.
Today started bright and early. I've no idea where I am or what the view out of the door looks like so here goes.... Yes it was cold last night and that is frost on the grass and panniers
And we're off for day 2 Cracking roads and views but I'm going to have to do some boring A9 miles (average speed cameras) to get in the areas that I want to be in. Around 270 miles today.
@Eldon: Many thanks for the price! In my opinion and having spent a wonderful journey to Scotland this was my tip for you.
At 51 mile range left when I checked the clocks I decided next stop would be taken. Ok, so now it only reads 19 miles left and a sign says last fuel for 55 miles err I think I better stop here irrespective of price. A quick coffee and a bite to eat but need to push on.
Whilst having the above refuel stop a logging driver pulls up and comes over for a chat with the pump ticking away filling his tank. Turns out he's a fellow biker with a GS and suggests a few worthwhile spots for the return leg next week. Eventually he returns to stop the pump and finish the fill Apparently this is normal and usually every day
Tonights stop ( Thurs) is a little more upmarket for a warm shower. I'm sure some of you will recognise it.